Title: A Drop in the Ocean, a Change in the Weather.
xsilverdreamsxFandom/Genre: Supernatural/AU-Fusion
Pairing(s): Dean/Castiel, Castiel/Balthazar, Dean/Castiel/Balthazar (minor/implied), Castiel/Zachariah - non-con, but only lasts about a scene, nothing stronger than kissing and some over-the-clothing touching.
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 30,636
Warning: Some violence, unnamed character death, some non-con kissing/touching, scenes of a disaster.
A/N: For ease of my story, I have made homosexual relationships an acceptable societal occurrence.
Summary: Titanic AU/fusion - For Dean Winchester, the Titanic is nothing more than a way to get to his brother in America. For Castiel, it's the ship that's taking him away from his childhood home, and everything he's ever known, to start a new life across the ocean. Neither of them ever expected to fall in love on this trip, but sometimes fate is stronger than expectation. Still it's no easy journey, not while they're separated by class, not while Cas is in love with someone else, and certainly not while the floor is sinking underneath their feet.
Acknowledgments: Firstly, thank you so much to my lovely artist,
xsilverdreamsx, for the time and effort that she put into making some beautiful pieces for this story. I love them so very, very, much! Your hard work was much appreciated. And secondly, to
c00kie for being a great friend and holding my hand, now and again, when I needed it. And lastly a great, big, thank you, and much love, to my darling beta
dehavilland, who helped me make this a better story for everyone with her delightful snark, helpful comments, and copious amounts of telling me that I'm wonderful! <3 She is awesome, fabulous, and every other wonderful adjective that exists. Plus she saved me when I was drowning in code and without her, this might not be here at all. <333 Piles of love and cuddles for everyone!
Part 1 ll
Part 2 ll
Part 3 ll
Part 4 ll
Part 5 ll
Art Post ll