Sep 11, 2005 23:40
So I'm sick, wonderful. I really wasnt tired all day, but my eyes decided to be more Asian than usual. I told someone that and they actually laughed. They then saw I was serious, and there was an akward silence. It was great, I snickered on the inside. Work was the same ol' shiznit today, except I couldnt breathe through my nose. Its really nostalgic, and I really can't place why it is. I walked around all day feeling the cold breeze in my face and saw people slightly bundled in their sweaters, and I couldnt help feel like it was my senior year of high school and I had just started my job at the commissary. Very wierd. I had a short chat with my more senior bagger-James-about how the 'original' baggers are just about gone. I looked around on the bench and saw that there were only 2 others that had been there as long/longer as myself. I guess it makes you realize how much things can change within 2 years. Still, I couldn't help but feel like something from that year is going to resurface and I'll have to deal with it again. I really have no idea what that would be, but I can feel it lurking around in the back of my head. Not even kidding. I really turned my normal functioning mind off for a little while and attempted to place the feeling exactly as best as I could. Its definately coming from the back of the brain, even earish-level.
changing the subject....
Another dream:// so I'm running with a huge group of people. I start off as I normally do, which is decently slow, but I start to speed up. I don't feel any pain or lack of breath, in fact, it feels really good. As I sped up, the environment changed. We were first all running through the halls of some building, and the next thing I knew, we were outside running up the side of some mountain trail. I had caught up with all the fast guys (since the dream was yesternight, I cant place who they were) but they all greeted me. Soon, I had passed them all and was running alone. I was happy that I had overcome so much, but at the same time I felt scared due to my loneliness.
Once again, I'm not considered a California resident. How long must I live in this God-forsaken paradise before I'm considered a fellow citizen of it? So they're once again trying to fix it, but I dont know how much of a difference it'll all make. As of now, I owe about $2500 for my first quarter. Damn it, I'm going to have to take out loans. Hoping the cost wont get any higher (which is like wishing the Devil and God will one day play golf in my backyard) then I'll owe ($2500 x 3quarters x 4years). ssssshhhhhiiiitttt.....way too much damn money. And I have rent and all that good stuff. Being a responsible adult is going to be fun. So this year, the goal is to make myself 'financially independent'. Crap. Someone, please give me a job that's not just minimum wage. ::crosses fingers::
Currently, I am waiting for the day (or even moment) when someone who never talks to me will. It will be awesome, but I'll ruin it. That'll be even better. It'll give me something to think about when I'm doing absolutely something I should be doing. I think I'll come up with a good (reusable) line that will show off my intelligence, humbleness, and wittiness all at once. G'luck with that....I think my ears are talking to me again.