Mar 06, 2006 21:48
what an insane day, i leave at 6:45 just like normal but i go to arrowhead to get my tip money then on to seans house, u see i cant tell my mom that i have the f-cat bullshit since i used that excuse before so i pretended i was going to school, and now i have bigger plans tommorow and tehy might be cancceled because she found out a little bit of what happened form mrs keevan who called to say morning sectionals were cannceled. grr. anyway so sean and i hang out and we go to rubios or try to then go to barnes and nobel, hten i show him venetian village and the beach where i run. it was cool. then i met up with kathleen and we went ot eintseins. it was good.
work today was intense but great, i never have in my life worked so hard or fast but it was great fun. i loved every second