Feb 14, 2007 12:29
aaand basically yesterday was the best night in my life
i saw daryl palumbo in the flesshh
and i heard his voice
and i filled in for him when he was out of breath
and i was feeling amazing
and i didnt got to my shitty classes :]
oh yeah and i was in Kansas City!
I went to two new states!
it think the other one was Iowa....
the whole thing is kindof a blurrrrrr now
i know
it was amazingggg <3
i love spontaneous new friends
with the same RIDICulous taste in all music as me
and I love old best friends.
maybe not that old
but golden for surrre
mmmm... foodplz?
oh and just because no one else mentioned it:
I <3ed you I swear. And I don't blame the Trimspa.