
Apr 14, 2011 11:59

... what a tricky bitch you are.

I have been trying (that's a key word) to finish the last chapter of Lady Malfoy and it's just not happening. I thought getting past the main fight scene would be the last obstacle (and it was pretty hard, let me tell you). I have been imagining the end of this story for so long that I kind of knew how it was supposed to end but now that I actually have to write it, it's harder than I imagine.

I think it's also becuase it will be my last chapter to you guys and the last chapter in my four year long journey that's making it so hard to write. I want it to be sweet, sad, romantic, adventurous and of course, full of twists. Suprisingly, it's extremely difficult to get all those qualities into one chapter and still have it end the way I want to. I want the characters emotions to be real and I want people to be able to feel what they're feeling. I have such high expectations for the chapter which makes it harder for me to write it.



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