To hell with optimism

Jan 26, 2010 22:08

My last post ended on a pretty light note with me promising to finish my story, regardless of my own reluctance. I think it would be fair to call that post 'optimistic' and by that definition, this post is definitley pessimistic.

I am having so much trouble finding time to finish my story that I am not writing it. I'm so worried that in my rush to get a chapter up I'll end up compromising the quality of the story itself. I don't want to write a crappy end to a story that's been in the works for over 2 years. So, I apologize to all of you, in advance. This chapter is going to be late.

I understand that it's extremely hard to follow a story with such a twisted plot when I update so seldomly but I really can't find a way around it. I sleep about 4-5 hours a night on a regular basis and spend most of my waking moments trying to study and often, end up on youtube instead. I didn't think that balancing university life with writing would be so difficult but it is getting a little stressful (especially with exams and essays this and next week).


do any of you writers feel the same way? Please tell me if you do - I would love to know that I'm not just a nutcase XD

hpff, life

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