Lady Malfoy FAQ

Nov 24, 2009 10:39


I'm in University. But that's doesn't mean I'm not writing! It's just that with actual work and exams, writing gets pushed a little back.

2. You're updates are getting slower. Are you going to abandon this story?

(You'd be surprised how many times I get this question)
No, I am not abandonning the story. The updates may be slower but they are still (relatively) regular. It's not like I've got writer's block - I have the plot, I just need time to write it.

3. How long is this story going to be?

Honestly, I'm not really that sure. The story is starting to come to an end so I don't see it going past maybe 40 chapters (this isn't a guarantee - but for now, at least, that's what I think)

4. Will there be a sequel?

Once again, don't hold me to this - I don't think there will be one but who knows? I might change my mind.

5. When will your next update be?

Generally, I try to update a month after my last chapter was posted (obviously, I fell a little behind this month). So, if you check regularly, try around a month after the last chapter was posted and it'll likely be around then. Alternativley, email me at and I'll add you to the mailing list so you get an email when I've updated.


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