Good weekend

Dec 12, 2004 20:05

Let's start with thursday - The usual: Class till about 1:00pm and work from 4:00pm till midnight. I was an hour late to my class that day because my alarm decided not to work for some reason...When i got off work, I went home to change and pick up Jenna's jacket...I brought it to her place and we ended up watching Dodge Ball.

I woke up early friday to go to the bank. I withdrew the money that I owed Chris and went to the Mac lab to finish my photoshop project. After that, I went over to Jeffs to wait for Chris to get back from FWB. We ended up taking delana's little cousin, Colby, to Chucky Cheese's. when we left, i went to get my wheels.

Saturday: Worked till 4:30p. I called Megan while I was still at work to make plans for that night. I picked her up at about 9:30 or so and we went to starbucks before we went out. I was pretty damn tired by the time I got home, which was about 3:00am.

Today(Sunday): Went back to the Mac lab to print my projects. met up with Matt D., Matt S. and Joel to play some Halo 2 and we went to OZone. When I got home, I called Julie to see what time she was supposed to be here, and her phone was I called Ginger. Turns out they got in a wreck on I-10 and aren't going to make it over here this week or for a while probably...I'm thinking about taking a quick trip over there to see her to make sure everything is alright, but we'll see. I've got finals coming up so there's not much free time...I wish i could be there...

Well, seems like it's about that time to start on that paper that i've been putting off till the last possible minute...I'm out.
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