You are getting this post a day early because I'm going to the boyfriend's tonight, through tomorrow, and I'm not bringing my laptop. Frightening, I know.
From here on out, posting may be a bit erratic. I've just gotten a new job. This one's full time, so if I post every Wednesday it will be at night. I get out of work at 3 on Fridays, so it may happen then or on the weekend. It may happen every other week. It may happen once a month. But I don't plan on giving up on making icons, so please bear with me.
I have next week's post made already. I will upload it sometime this week and probably post it sometime next Monday or Tuesday. After that, the chaos begins. Wish me luck at this job, guys x_x
I'm reasonably pleased with this batch. I really love the little gecko dude in #1, for some reason.