Mar 27, 2010 17:04
Wow it's been a long time since I last posted! I can't believe I had this journal up and running for such a long time, actually I kind of forgot about it. A lot has changed in the last two years or so since I last posted anything. I've gone through some ups and downs, but still got through everything ok. I didn't end up being a Lawyer and I never will be, I just don't see myself ever, ever doing that. I live in Orlando, FL...not Boise...not Eugene, but Orlando! I'm in my last year of my MBA not JD! I'm more interested in Bonds, the Stock Market, ETF's, Mutual Funds and P/L statements then the Constitutiion, Law's or statutes! Actually I should of just went for my MBA a long time ago.
I went through a crazy crazy crazy year and a half from my Oct. 2007 to Feb. 2009! Never again will that type of thing happen to me again..but again I got out of it a stronger person and much better for it! I never though I would never have though life would end up going in the direction it did in the last few years, but now I'm back on track. Going back through all of my posts I realize how things don't always turn out the way you want them too, but you can't give up. I'm now a better person, I know what I want. I'm happy!