FULL NAME: Pavel Andreievich Chekov
AGE: 18
SEX: Male
BIRTHDAY: February 9th, 2241
KNOWN LANGUAGES: Russian, Federation Standard
SHIP: U.S.S. Enterprise
MAJOR(s): Stellar Cartography, Transporter Theory, and Physics
EXTRA-CURRICULARS: Cross-Country Racing
ACTOR CLAIM: Anton Yelchin
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Auburn
BUILD: Athletic
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: Curly hair, eyes, boyish face
- Chess
- Running
- Stars
- Reading
- Telling jokes
- Russia
- Competing
- Arguing
- When people insult Russia
- Negative factors of gravity
- Mispronouncing V's
- Working alone
- Sentient AIs
- Klingons
- Diligent
- Attentive
- Protective
- Obedient
- Intelligent
- Hasty
- Charismatic
- Young
- Inexperienced outside of his station
- Little combat training
- Brash
- Cocky
- Stubborn
- His accent makes it hard to pronounce words
- Seeing his home planet (Earth) destroyed
- Losing the people special to him
- Being alone
- Pronounces V's as W's
- Slips in and out of Russian
- Blinks a lot when he's nervous
OVERALL: Chekov is a bright and optimistic seventeen-year-old mathematical prodigy who has quickly risen through the ranks of Starfleet due to his determination and gift of superior intelligence. Of course, a lot of pressure is put on to him for a number of reasons. First off - he's fresh from Russia and is still having trouble speaking fluently in English. He knows what he wants to say but can't always make it come out right. Especially those pesky V's. Not only that, but he's one of the only people to ever be assigned to a ship before the age of 18. Because of this, it's harder for him to gain the trust of his peers and he is sometimes ignored or overlooked due to assumption of him being inexperienced.
Chekov grew up in a loving and supportive family in St. Petersburg, Russia, and because of this he is a very friendly and open person. He is not afraid to try to befriend others and if they need aid, he is always quick to extend a helping hand. He likes to engage in other people's hobbies to try to get to know them and can usually adapt to certain lifestyles quickly. He's usually not one to go against orders - he'd prefer to do things by the books; though, if it comes down to it, Pavel will break a few rules in order to save a life - whether it be a friend's or his own.
Chekov rarely gets angry. It is only when the people around him are insulted or in danger that he will break out of his jovial demeanor and become combative and belligerent. That and if he's forced to do something he really doesn't want to do, he'll express his negative feelings on the subject, sometimes to the point of excessive and annoying complaining. After all - he is still a teenager and he doesn't always act like an adult. In fact, there are still moments the young boy will have where he attaches to the older people around him and looks up to them as mentors. Depending on who he's idolizing at the moment, he may or may not get kicked away like a stray dog. Thankfully, his high spirits and undying optimism help him get back on his feet and try again.
When it comes to work, Chekov is studious and focused at all times. Even when in danger, he knows that it is vital to keep calm and to do his job. He is always more interested in showing that he can follow orders than he is about going against orders and doing things in an unorthodox way. Because of this, he may get into some sticky situations where he won't exactly know what to do. He's more of the book smart type and not really all that street smart. This is where his crew mates come in handy. He's not a leader type - he's a follower. He relies on others too much for now (though he'd never admit it) to even think about being in a position of command. This doesn't mean he isn't helpful - he is. He's proved himself plenty of times to be a young, yet valuable asset to the crew.
The young Russian has many aspirations. For one, he hopes to someday be a captain of his own ship. He's had somewhat of an obsession with space and the sky and being able to have his own ship to explore it at his own free will would make his life complete. He also hopes to someday catch the eye of a beautiful girl (something that has been a little hard for him since he looks so young). It wouldn't be a lie to say that he sometimes looks in the mirror and wishes that he looked as good as Kirk...
BIRTHPLACE/HOME: St. Petersburg, Russia, Earth
PARENTS: Andrei and Larisa Chekov
HISTORY: Pavel Andreievich Chekov was born in 2241, in Moscow, Russia. His parents were more than happy to welcome a baby boy into their wealthy family. As an only child, he didn't have any siblings to quarrel with and because of this, he was always well-behaved and given plenty of attention. His mother and father tutored him in mathematics, history, and language. When he was about six-years-old, he expressed a vehement interest in space and stellar cartography. He would spend nights staring up into the sky and dreamed of joining a crew and flying all over the galaxy. It was soon decided by his parents that he would be sent to a conservatory to continue his studies on the subjects he admired.
Young Chekov was excelling through his learning with an abnormal speed. It seemed that he was something of a prodigy. Because of this, he was given harder work and was forced to study longer. His childhood was one filled with reading, star gazing, long formulas, and computing. Once he turned thirteen, the young boy was already zipping through university-level work. Finally, when he had finished almost everything that had been handed to him, he made up his mind that he wanted to join Starfleet. His parents protested a bit, preferring that their son stay behind but they gave in and he traveled to Starfleet Academy in San Francisco, USA to begin his training.
There, his studies were fun and exciting and work was never boring. He would soak up the lectures and completely engage his entire being into the hands-on activities. Chekov was top of his class in stellar cartography and transporter theory, an expert in advanced theoretical physics, and the youngest cadet in history to win the Starfleet Academy marathon. Because of this, he was without a doubt assigned to Starfleet's newest flagship, the U.S.S. Enterprise. His fellow crew members found him to be a little strange at first, mainly because of his thick Eastern European accent and some frustrating issues he had with pronouncing his authorization code, but he proved himself capable when he was able to brief the crew on the supposed distress call Vulcan’s high command had sent them.
Not too long after, a brash cadet by the name of James T. Kirk burst on to the deck declaring that Vulcan wasn't facing some natural disasters - but it was being attacked! Captain Pike decided to listen to Kirk when it was revealed that a Xenolingistics expert named Uhura had evidence to back up his accusations.
When they dropped out of warp, they were rudely greeted with a full on attack by a large mining vessel. Strangely enough, they were suddenly spared, but only to have a Romulan by the name of Nero demand that Pike enter their ship via a shuttlecraft. The good Captain obliged, but not before he appointed Spock to acting captain and promoted Kirk to first officer.
Pike left to enter the Romulan ship via shuttlecraft, taking along Kirk, Sulu, and Olsen who were dropped down to deactivate a large drill that was burning a hole into the very core of Vulcan. On their way down, Olsen failed to listen to orders and pulled his parachute too late. He ended up falling into the path of the large drill and died, leaving Kirk and Sulu without the charges they needed to destroy the drill. Meanwhile, Chekov made some observations on an unstable matter with distinct gravitational properties that the Romulan miners had sent into the hole and concluded quickly that it would soon cause the entire planet to collapse upon itself within minutes.
Because of this, Spock left his station to beam down to the planet in order to save his parents. While waiting to be transported back to the ship, Kirk and Sulu fell off the drill and began to plummet thousands of feet towards Vulcan's surface. With only seconds to act, Chekov exclaimed that he could beam them up and rushed quickly to the transporter console where he demonstrated his skills and hastily saved both his crew mates.
Unfortunately, when the time came to beam Spock and the elder Vulcans up to the ship, Amanda Grayson ended up losing balance near a cliff side that was deteriorating and she fell. Chekov didn't have enough time to save her and failed in transporting her safely with the rest of the Vulcans. Left as the new acting captain of the ship, Spock ordered the crew to meet up with the rest of the fleet. Kirk refused to listen and instead pleaded that they go after the Romulans instead before they caused more destruction.
After a quick altercation, Kirk was sent off ship down to Delta Vega. As for the rest of the Enterprise’s crew, it was smooth-cruising for about three or four hours. Things had quieted down, but everyone couldn't help but feel that Spock was taking things a little too well, considering he’d just lost his home planet.
It came as a surprise when Chekov spotted none other than Kirk and another man, Montgomery Scott, in the Engineering Bay. Spock ordered security to retrieve the two men and bring them to the bridge. When they arrived, Chekov watched as Kirk got into an argument with Spock and then a terrifying fight on the bridge. Having been emotionally compromised, Spock stepped down from his rank and because of this, Kirk was promoted to captain. Kirk ordered the ship to change course and pursue the Narada and the various crew members on the deck discussed ideas to ambush the Romulan ship. With some quick thinking and calculations, Chekov found that if they could use the magnetic distortion caused by Saturn's rings, they could get close to Nero without being detected by his ship’s sensors. It was mutually decided that would be the plan and they all proceeded to carry it out. Kirk and Spock agreed to be sent into the Narada to rescue Pike and deactivate the drill and Sulu and Chekov were given orders to strike the Romulan vessel if the opportunity presented itself, no matter what.
After a few minutes of playing sitting ducks, Lt. Uhura broke news that the Romulans were drilling a hole into Earth’s surface and that the transporters were once again inactive. With that, Sulu, Chekov, and the others finally decided to go in and provide backup to Spock, who was being chased by seeking torpedoes. They safely cleared his trail and Spock flew the Jellyfish ship into the Narada, resulting in the red matter that was stored inside of the small craft to chain reaction and create a black hole in the center of the Romulan ship. Scotty beamed Kirk, Spock, and the wounded Captain Pike back to the ship safely.
Kirk and Spock tried to make last second negotiations with Nero, but it was a moot effort and they eventually ordered a full frontal attack on the Narada. Nero and the rebel Romulans had been defeated... but the battle wasn't over yet. The black hole began to pull the Enterprise into its abyss and the crew had to think fast before they met the same end as Nero. It was when Scotty released the warp cores and detonated them that the ship was able to escape. Upon returning to Earth, Kirk was promoted to Captain of the U.S.S. Enterprise and he was allowed to keep the same crew under his command. Chekov was stationed on the ship as the Chief Navigator and has continued to do so.