Mar 25, 2006 15:44
Heyo, world. How's it going?
So I haven't updated in a while. Well, I'll discuss.
I've been very busy lately, and really haven't had a lot of extra time. (Lately, in this instance, means the last couple months) Been drumming a lot, teaching lessons in Norwood, going to school, and in general being a very productive little boy. Haven't been too much hanging out with people that I'd like to, other than Miss Perry pretty regularly. However, very lately, I've had much more free time than I'd like. Spring break sucked pretty hard, completely taken over by doctor's appointments and whatnot. You see, I've had an inguinal hernia on my right side, and this period of time is where I alerted the Medical Community to its existence.
This week has been even less sweet. Normal busy-ness for the first bit of the week, and Thursday, I had surgery. So, pain. It's Saturday right now, and I'm just right now thinking that I'll be alright to go out and do life as normal.
Tonight, I've got to go see a play at school and start a paper and whatnot.
And we'll see what comes in the future. There's hope, there's plenty.
Have good days.