Hey there, everyone! It’s that time where we get to one of the most exciting parts a round can have, prompting! Now is the time for you to let your imagination run wild. Think of all your favourite AUs, all the brilliant movies, books, TV shows, anything, and bring them back to life with an absolutely delicious twist - the addition of our favourite OT3, Suho/Chen/Lay!
If you missed out on our Intro post, then now is a good time to check it out
here. It’s got some really good information on it, so we recommend you look through it! If you’ve already read it, then that’s a gold star for you!
Are you new to prompting? Not sure how to go about it? No worries, we’ve got you covered. (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑ Here are a few guidelines, just so you don’t get lost prompting:
- As 91daes is a Suho/Chen/Lay-centric fest, it’s a must that your prompt should focus on either of these three members, or any ship within the OT3, or the OT3 itself! We are also allowing OT3+ so long as SuChenLay is in focus!
- Your prompt has to be based off an already existing AU. It can be whatever you want, as long as it already exists.
- We’ll only be accepting ten prompts (which totals to thirty word/phrase prompts) for a specific AU. For example, once we’ve received ten prompts for Hogwarts!AU, we will no longer accept prompts for it. You guys will know when we’ll stop accepting the AU, of course.
- Don’t be too specific with your prompts. You’re limited to three words/phrases per AU you want to prompt, so make it count! Remember, our writers aren’t required to write within your chosen AU, they have the decision to either follow it or write something inspired by the AU, so long as at least two of your chosen words/phrases are in the fic.
- Absolutely no non-con, dub-con, pedophilia and incest.
- There is no limit to what rating you would like for your prompt. G/PG-13/NC-17, you name it!
- Please be explicit in stating what you would not like to see in your fics, as well as triggers or things you would like to be warned about. We just want to look out for you!
- Let your mind run free with ideas! Prompt as much as you like, we will not require you to join to prompt, so have fun!
And that’s about it! Now, let’s get down to business. Drum rolls please -
12 August 2016 - 02 September 2016
AU: (which alternate universe would you prefer they write in? e.g., Hogwarts!AU, etc.)
word/phrase #1: (a word or phrase related to your chosen AU, e.g., love potions)
word/phrase #2: (a word or phrase related to your chosen AU, e.g., magical creatures)
word/phrase #3: (a word or phrase related to your chosen AU, e.g., a curse)
preferred rating/s: (ANY RATING, quick note should you choose G, PG, and/or PG-13 - these three ratings will be considered one option altogether)
-1: (pretty straightforward - your triggers, and also things you don’t want to see in the fic)
contact info: (twitter, lj/ao3, and/or an email address we can use, should the writer who is working on your prompt need to ask you something - please make sure it's something we can easily reach you on!)
Please copy and paste the above form into the comments below, removing the parentheses and replacing it with your prompt information. Don’t worry about anyone seeing it - comments will be screened, and deleted once the prompt/s is/are entered into the archive.
That’s it for the prompting post! Yay, thank you for making it this far - you’re all lovely. ゚+。:.゚ヽ(*´∀`)ノ゚.:。+゚ Remember to look at our
INTRO POST for the calendar for Round 4, as well as any general rules and a brief overview of this round of 91daes. If you have a question, don’t hesitate to hit us up on our
twitter (@91daes), or our email (91daesmods@gmail.com). Your mods will be more than happy to help. ♡
Much love,
The 91daes Mods
Introduction ☆ Prompting ☆