Nov 17, 2005 19:08
Hey Guys! Welp school was ok I guess... Me & Ali thought it was picture day but I guess we were both having big blonde moments haha! I got up at like 6:00 this morning cause I thought it was pcture day haha! I spent like an hour on my hair, 4 nothing... Then when I got 2 school I seen David he had a baby pic of me... He said his mom gave it 2 him, it was funny! Then we played battle ship in 1st period! Mariah Sank my battle ships! Then the wrest of school sucked! When I got home I had 2 get ready 4 cheerleading practice... It sucked we were working on the dance rutean... Im getting better haha! Now im here bored & freezing! Im starting 2 get a lil nerves... cause me David, Mariah & her man are going 2 the movies 2-marro! But thats all thats happend 2-day! Now imma go try 2 get warm! I love comments! But it doesnt look like n/e 1 cares!
♥Ashy & Davy*