cholesterol - высокий уровень холестерина: причины и как бороться

Mar 29, 2018 17:45

treatment member ratings (num votes)
Statins (105)
Exercise (183)
Lipitor (73)
Weight loss (101)
Crestor (36)
Low cholesterol diet (150)
Niacin (49)
No added sugar, gluten-free, carbohydrate restricted, high PUFA, moderate protein diet (35)
Quit smoking (18)
Zocor (15)
grapefruit pectin (1)
Ketogenic / LCHF diet (1)
Gemfibrozil (2)
Fish oil (119)
Paleo diet, avoiding PUFAs, sugars, grains (3)
Niaspan (20)
Armour (4)
Tricor (7)
Magnesium (natural statin) (5)
Policosinol (8)
Red yeast rice (21)
High fiber diet (47)
Meditation (10)
Anti-inflammatory diet (25)
Hormone Replacement Therapy (14)
Vitamin D supplement (78)
Cinnamon (43)
Garlic (46)


cause % of members (num votes)
Genetics 87% (287)
Diet 72% (274)
Lack of Exercise 62% (263)
Gluten and sugar ingestion 19% (209)
Hypothyroidism 14% (220)
stress 44% (27)
Smoking 10% (216)
Side effect of medication 6% (202)
Low stomach acid leading to malabsorption leading to inflammation 7% (139)
Liver 24% (21)
Corticosteroids 4% (213)
Estrogen 3% (208)
high level of cortizone 13% (24)
Beta-blockers 2% (211)
Muscle and joint pain 7 25% (4)
Cushing's Disease 1% (181)

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