how to become a seat filler at oscars

Feb 22, 2015 19:00

how would you like the chance to actually attend the event yourself and even sit next to Jennifer Lawrence or Meryl Streep? Seat fillers are employed by the Academy Awards to make sure that whenever the camera sweeps the audience, every single seat is filled. It's too late to be a seat filler for this year's Oscars, but when next year's Best Actor gets up to collect his award, follow this guide if you want to be the one that keeps his seat warm.

How to Get the Gig

The Academy Awards is probably the hardest awards show to land a seat filler gig. According to an interview with a seat filler at The A.V. Club, you need to have a relative working for the Academy or work for PricewaterhouseCoopers, the accounting firm that counts the votes. You also have to sign a non-disclosure agreement, which means The A.V. Club's interviewee could only speak about the experience under the condition of anonymity.

However, you can apply to be a seat filler at some of the other big-name awards shows including the Golden Globe Awards, the SAG Awards, the Emmy Awards, the People's Choice Awards, and the MTV Movie Awards. Seatfillersandmore, Gotham Casting, and Audiences Unlimited are three websites where you can apply to be a seat filler. By starting as a seat filler for smaller events, you might get a chance to network and gain insider tips on how to score the biggest ones, including the Academy Awards.

Applying is not a guarantee you will be chosen. Most sites require you submit a resume, photo, and some even request your Facebook and Instagram account URLs.

On the plus side, many events are looking for all types of people to be seat fillers, including both men and women, as well as all different ages and races. You don't have to look like Brangelina to be selected, but you should be well-groomed and there is a dress code...

Dress Code

Dress code varies for each event. The Academy Awards definitely have people there to look at seat fillers beforehand and make sure they are up to dress code. According to a seat filler who spoke to, the dress code is usually "upscale club/casual". White, logos, and bold patterns or prints are discouraged. Fun, bright solid colors are the best bet. Basically, you want to look good if you show up on camera, but you better not be looking so good that you pull attention away from the celebs.

Lots of Waiting and Strict Rules

When the big day arrives, seat filling is not as glamorous as it sounds. The long hours can involve more standing in line and less sitting next to Ryan Gosling. Prepare for waiting in a line for hours, possibly in a fancy dress and uncomfortable shoes, before being chosen to enter the theater.

Once you get inside, there are strict rules on how to behave. There's definitely no talking to the stars or people who have real invitations, so drop any ideas of taking a selfie with your famous seatmate. Don't do anything to draw attention to yourself. Basically, be as anonymous as possible.

Even if you can't interact with anyone, you still might be present for some exciting moments or get an insider's look at Hollywood magic. At CNN, Monica Enriquez, who has been a seat filler for many events, says she's sat next to Jake Gyllenhaal, Brad Pitt, and even had Julia Roberts smile at her. At the Emmy Awards, she was sitting behind Sofia Vergara when the Modern Family star's dress had a wardrobe malfunction. Enriquez got to be there to see Vergara's team sweep her out during a commercial break and have her return again with a perfectly sewn dress.


Being a seat filler is less a job and more a very prestigious volunteer gig. For most events, including the Academy Awards, you don't get paid, so the only compensation is bragging rights and a chance for your mom to see you on camera. Since you can be there all day, you do sometimes at least get fed a free meal.

Even though there are a lot of restrictions and no pay, all the seat fillers interviewed said they would do it again if offered the opportunity. And even if you can't talk to the celebrities, if you're savvy enough, maybe you can still use the opportunity to land a job. Talking to a member of the production crew could provide insight on how to work the next awards show as a production assistant or other paid position.

After Neil Patrick Harris called attention to the Oscar seat fillers this year, many viewers took to Twitter to ask how they too could fill someone's seat.

There's good news and bad news. The bad news is, according to a report from the A.V. Club, you can only get in if you have a relative working for the Academy or if you work for PricewaterhouseCoopers, the accounting firm that counts the votes. The good news is, that isn't the case for all the award shows.

The A.V. Club spoke with someone who has been a seat filler before, but the source had to remain anonymous because seat fillers reportedly sign extensive nondisclosure agreements, which don't allow them to talk about their experience. The paperwork involved signing a document stating that if the seat filler misbehaves, he or she could get their connection fired.

According to this particular seat filler, there is a dress code everyone must adhere to and nobody is allowed to interact with the actors. "Don't do anything that makes you stand out to the camera," the source said. "So when you're in the seat in the theater, be as professional and stoic as possible. Don't draw attention to yourself in any way."

That is, until NPH calls you out in front of everyone watching the Oscars.

For other award shows, such as the Golden Globes, the Screen Actors Guild Awards, the Emmys and the MTV Movie Awards, there is a different policy. Seatfillersandmore, Gotham Casting and Audiences Unlimited are some of the websites you can use to apply. As AOL points out, most sites require a résumé and photo, and some request social media account URLs.

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