Jan 13, 2006 18:25
Getting ready to start a weekend of work...two night ED shifts, need to finish reviewing the "Guidelines for the Field Management of Combat Related Head Trauma" so it can go to print, write a script for a demonstration tape of the Standardized Assessment of Concussion, and get ready for my trip to DC next week....whew!
Today was a good day...attended a fascinating brief on new directions for the treatment of shock (this biomedical engineer's theory is that the underlying pathology of shock associated with multisystem organ failure is the release of digestive enzymes into the gut wall, which in turn releases a slew of peptides and acids that cause systemic shut down...basically, the body digests itself...by preventing this release, the untoward effects of shock are prevented...maybe it will lead to a better field treatment of shock by swallowing anti-proteases or by reinforcing the luminal wall of the intestine)....I know, no one is interested except me....but....
It was good to review some of my friends LJ's...there really are some great people on here and I am lucky to have found some of them....
Alek just announced he was "starving" but there's a good half hour left of the pork loin we are roasting in the oven...I had better head off a raid of the cookie cabinet so someone actually eats his dinner....