[191121] Su no Woman

Dec 10, 2019 01:31

A snippet from November 21 Su no Woman

Snow Man member present: Fukazawa Tatsuya (Fukka), Abe Ryohei (Abe), Raul

阿部ちゃんのかっこいい決めゼリフを隣で聞いてて阿部ちゃんの目見れなくなっちゃうラウちゃんピュア☺️ #素のWoman pic.twitter.com/vI72rEOcR5
- まはるーの (@omom_bnn_yellow) November 21, 2019
[Not in the video] Abe was chosen to be give his "best line" because his prediction about the ratio of women who want to bound (as in being possessive) their partner vs women who does not want to bound their partner. The answer was 25:75, Abe's answer was 20:80 which was the closest.

Abe's line literally translated into "Be honest with me, it's not that you want to bound me, but you want to be bounded, right?". Right after he said the line, Fukka and Raul just break into laughter. Raul said that he was unable to meet Abe eyes. Fukka said that Raul tried SO hard to avoid Abe's gaze when Abe said his lines. The conversation continues with them discussing how impossible it is for Abe to said such lines. Abe agreed and said that in real life, it's impossible for him to say those lines because he does not want to and cannot be a possessive partner.

snow man, snow man: raul, snow man: fukazawa, snow man: su no woman, #素のWoman, snow man: abe

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