There are so many things I want to say and do. Well, not do because who wants to be active (until I get all my Playlists together). Feel anyway. And that's why it's time for me to shut up. Withdraw, if you will.
Live Journal is awesome, and I love my various message boards, but it's time to take some time off. I guess everyone needs it every once in a while, but this is my time of the year. Here's what's happened in the past:
May 20th, 2003 - Last Buffy
May 19th, 2004 - Last Angel
May 23rd, 2004 - I graduated from college
May 20th, 2005 - I started the job I'm in now
May 13th, 2006 - Last Justice League Unlimited.
So I like my shows, so what? It's a week in remembrance. May 13th-May 20th will be a time of reflection, a time of solitude.
Well, I'm going to North Carolina for my sister's graduation and Sunday is Mother's Day and I'll get to see my mom and grandma, which is cool. And it'll be fun. I'm sad I won't be able to see JLU until I come back on Tuesday (and I'll be worried the entire time whether it was taped or not).
I do come back on Tuesday, but I'll still be off until Saturday the 20th. Maybe I'll check the JLU talkback on TZ, but that's it! I don't know what I'm going to be like. It's not just JLU, it's being at my job for a year. It's other things. But...I dunno, I need to take some time off to think, as I said. And reflect.
I expect to come back with a positive attitude and catching up on everyone's entries over the week, but I can't guarantee that. I can't guarantee anything, really, except that I'll miss you. And even if I do act angry and crazy all weekend when I can't see JLU and then sad after it ends, I'll still miss all my LJ buddies.
By the way, Style, looks like your quiz is making a come back -