Word is the bail-out has hit $8.5 trillion (be sure to check out that cool itemized list) and I think some people may have trouble wrapping their heads around this, like I did.
$8,500,000,000,000 is equal to 141,666,666 years of wages at $60,000/year.
This would pay 1,770,833 people a living wage from birth until death at 80 years old.
This could send 53,125,000 students to college, at $40,000/year, for 4 years apiece.
It is enough for 850 million summer trips to Europe.
It would pay my monthly rent and bills for over 900 million years.
It is enough to give every taxpaying citizen of the United States $40,000.
The 147.3 million ounces of gold in Fort Knox are worth, at the current value of
$774.70/oz, $114,113,310,000; that is only 1/74th, or 1.35% of the bail-out.
$8.5 trillion has 11 zeroes and is kind of a pain to repeatedly enter into a calculator.