Nov 05, 2004 20:48
fornication n. : 1 Illicit sexual intercourse of unmarried persons. 2 In Scruptural use: a Adultery or harlotry, or incest. b Idolatry.
harlot n. : 1 a lewd woman; prostitute. 2 A knave or a vagaband
sexual intercourse v. : 1 The sexual act, especially between humans, in which the erect penis is introduced into the vagina for the ejaculation of semen and sexual gratification. 2 Any act of sexual connection, especially between humans.
seduce v.t. : 1 to lead astray; entice into wrong, disloyalty, etc.; tempt. 2 To induce, as a woman to surrender chastity; debauch.
seduction n. : 1 the act of seducing. 2 something whice seduces; an enticement
submissive adj. : Willing or inclined to submit; yeilding; obedient; docile
dominant adj. : Ruling; governing; predominant.
dominate v. : 1 To exercise control over; govern. 2 To tower above; loom over. 3 To have control; hold sway
foreplay n. : Sexual stimulation preceding intercourse.
blowjob n. : The act or an instance of fellatio; slang terms for fellatio [syn: cock sucking]
stimulate v. : 1 To rouse to activity or heightened action, as by spurring or goading; excite; provoke. 2 To increase temporarily the activity of (a body organ or part). 3 To excite or invigorate (a person, for example) with a stimulant.
erection n. : 1 The act of erecting. 2 a The firm and enlarged condition of a body organ or part when the erectile tissue surrounding it becomes filled with blood, especially such a condition of the penis or clitoris. b The process of filling with blood.
arousal v. : 1 To stir up; excite. 2 To stimulate sexual desire in. 3 mutual sexual stimulation prior to sexual intercourse