Stolen from Jaci, who stole it from Jenn

May 02, 2006 12:07

First Name: Nicholas
Middle Name: Adam
Birthday: December 6th, 1985
Eyes: Blue/Green (depends on the day)
Hair: light Brown
Fav color: Crimson, Black, Gold
Day/Night: Night
Fave Food: Sushi!

Do you ever wish you had another name? Yea, but more my last name then anything
Which one of your friends acts the most like you? None of my friends really act like me, I'd like to think I'm unique
Who's the loudest? I'd say Jaci... lol
Who have you known the longest of your friends? Oh god, I don't know
Who's the shyest: Jesus, he never seems to show his face anymore..
Are you close to any family members? I'd like to think so
When you cried the most: God, probably when I was with Jaci and Jenn earlier this semester...
What's the best feeling in the world: feeling like people care
Worst Feeling: lonliness

Let's walk on the: glass
Let's run through: the sprinkler
Let's look at the: map
Where have all: all the merry makers gone?
Why can't you: just be happy?
Tell me:, what is love?

Ran away from home: yes
Skipped school: Until college, not really
Broken someone's heart: I've been told I have, though, I don't believe it
Been in love: yea...
Cried when someone died: to be honest, only once, and that was when a lot of people died... 9/11
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: yup, more often then not actually
Done something embarrassing: when don't I?
Done a drug: yup
Cried in school: yea

Your Good Luck Charm: hard to say, probably my dragon ring (i'd be lost without it!)
Person You Hate Most: No comment
Favorite car: McLaren F1, or a 1965 Mustang
Ice Cream: strawberry, black raspberry, and Ben and Jerry's Phish Food

Makes you laugh the most: oh wow, I dunno, all of my friends have their moments
Makes you cry? no comment

Made out with JUST a friend?: yup
Kissed two people in the same day? yea... Nikki and Daniella
Had sex with two different people in the same day?: nope
Been rejected: more times then I'd like to admit
Been in love?: yea... wasn't this already asked?
Been used? more times then I'd want to be, yea
Done something you regret?: Yep
Cheated on someone?: yea...
Been called a tease: Yes, a lot... I'm good at what I do, what can I say?

You touched?: Andrew, cuz I kicked him
You talked to on the phone?: Ginny, my landlord
You hugged?: Steff after the CAB meeting last night... probably my last CAB meeting ever
You instant messaged?: Bob Villa... seriously, Urs
You kissed?: wow, Gina
You yelled at?: I don't remember
Who text messaged you?: no one, I don't have a cell phone
Who broke your heart?: I plead the fifth, she reads this... lol
Who told you they loved you?: I'm not entirely sure...
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