The Year: 2000 i

Aug 28, 2009 08:02

Nothing really amazing to post, but I haven't done is such a while I thought I'd post a request and an info byte.

So first off a few of my friends down here have had a bad year so far, they have decided that 2008-2009 has been such a bad year for them that they no longer want to live in it...
so both of them have moved in to the year 2000 & i, as in 'i' the algebraic notation for the imaginary number. Both are now incredibly upbeat about life and have started to sort out things that they are going to do in 2000 & i. It's quite infectious Liz and I have even discussed moving in to 2000 & i as well, just to test the waters of this new imaginary year...
we'll post on how this goes if we do it.

secondly I've just finished a 10 day free pass for playing WOW again, now i used to play this a long time ago, and stopped playing when I emigrated nearly 3.5 years ago. I had until then spent a long time playing and had reached the pinnacle of the game at that point, but with the free pass I not only visited places that I had not seen in a while, bring back real memories of playing with my friends in these locations that i thought that i might like to start this again.

one thing I did notice is that my old account is still there, with all its characters as well.
But with the expansions my account is out of date, I need to upgrade to 'Wrath of the Lich King'
which is all well and good, but the only ones i can get down here are for the US version.

So the request is does anyone have a Wrath of the Lich King activation code that
1, they are not using
2, is a UK version
3, don''t mind me using...

cheers all
Hope to see you all in 2000 & i soon.

200o & i, wrath of the lich king, imaginary number year

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