BLOGGING: So I've Returned

Oct 12, 2007 00:57

I’ve realized, I miss having a webblog. I used myspace a little to keep up with the important times, but I miss that “day-to-day” documentation, and well I realize I liked reading back on my life back when I had a Xanga. I just spent the past 2 days reading all of the occurrences that I myself had not so much forgotten, but didn’t remember so clearly how things really happened back then.

Things I may write will be kept personal for reasons concerning the project my partner and I have going on, that I just may document to keep track of dates and schedules.

Though things I wouldn’t mind sharing with the world, will obviously be here like a science experiment just WAITING to be dissected.

Anyway, I’ll start with this. Tonight was rather enthralling. My partner, Jackie calls me up as planned, and we started discussing sever plans-finally we’re buying a damn sever. I swear it was like buying a new car. Made sure it ran well, handling, all those important under-the-hood things that come hand in hand with automobile-manship lol, is a lot like a server. Hah.

Anyway, I’m focusing all my time and energy on this project, as it’ll be a serious huge step forward in my life, that I need and I know Jackie does too <3 I’m really grateful Rainner he said he’ll help up when we need him. He’s a true man of his word and I’m extremely lucky to still have him in my life.

Anyway, the move to TN is getting even more realistic. I’m trying to get ahold of some of my old friends, let them know what’s going on, see if they care to keep in touch, though I’m hoping I can seriously find a stable friend in TN, because I will seriously be too lonely. I understand I’m a true loner, a lot claim to be loners but really aren’t-however I am a true loner. I’m fine at home alone working on things or playing guitar or doing some good ‘ole art, but I do like my alone time, and lots of it. Though, it’s nice to have a friend that you can go out for icecream with, or will visit you once in a while. Not sure if I’ll get that when in TN, I’m really going to miss Laura. Maybe once I start riding, I’ll make some friends at the ranch, but I don’t know. We’ll see.

I love how I keep veering off topic. The topic was supposed to be about this top super secret project we got going on, LOL. I’m so scared word will get out too early, as I’ve been planning this since I was 13 (for those of you who do not know me, I’m turning 21 in less than 3 months) hah. So this “idea” has been married to me since then. Jackie is my spouse in this, as she’s helping me make this happen, and Rainner is the god father hahaha.

Anyway, I’ll part ways with this entry now, before it gets grotesquely long, and I myself wont want to even read it 3-6 years from now, lol.
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