Jan 14, 2005 16:57
...Cutting through as quick as light...
The day brought along a peral of bad news, the place which I reside is falling apart. The pelting rain, on my weaking roof is eating through the boards keeing me, and my family dry. The room where our edables rest is taking war damage from the storms of summer. Though these storms were fierce, we had servived.
I had awoke this morning of misery to late to catch the vessel to take to the place on which I would meet with my fellow classmen. So I was stuck in a dripping abode I was stuck seeking entertainment in a game. So I took control of my character and went to mytic lands to slay evil beasts.
--------------------------------------------------Ending Thought----------------------------------------------------------
Remember, When your mp runs low... It's time to RUN AWAY!!
Good Luck in the advenure of life...