Dec 17, 2004 22:46

My whole body started to break into waves of light and color going sideways. I was on a downward spiral and I fell into the FOUNTAIN OF KISSING which was flowing in torodial patterns. This was in the midst of Heaven. I became the music and felt every polyphonic harmonious beat of time splashing on my soul. My eyes were dazzled with the amazing colors and patterns of Milk Drop. My friends and I played a game just like the one in Modern Art History where everybody had to write out a random sentence and it was all put together. This reminded me of how the Surrealists came up with some of their ideas. Here they are:

"All that you should become is destiny of time and space. Everything is living. Everything, breathing. I can't even talk Chris. The boy is pretty."

"I am the MAJIN OF EMENSITY." In the age of wonder. Had only Heaven would take pity upon his painful woe. Why do I shutter?"

"I stay. I fell. I glow. I shine. I AM."

Our souls were swimming with the BLUE DOLPHIN in the fresh open waters of life itself.
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