(no subject)

Jun 01, 2007 06:32

((Ed: comedy option: the been shows up in his apartment for NO REASON WHATSOEVER

DEL!: how did been get here ¯\(º_o)/¯

Ed: jkhgdfghdgd BEST EMOTE EVER OH GOD))

been: *is stuck to the wall when Ramon looks up. How did he get there? What is he doing? It is entirely possible that he got up there and forgot how to get down. The first step would be to turn around and face the floor, but nobody told been this. Poor been.*

RAMON: :| *eyes the mystery been with great curiousity and wonder. Is he under attack now? By beens? That'd be a pretty ineffective invasion.*

been: *hey, it might be effective if they...uh...stuck all over everything and made getting to the bathroom REALLY INCONVENIENT. Yeah. Yeah, that's it. Superior numbers and bum size shall win the day! Or maybe they won't!* *stares at Ramon upside down* (.-.)?

RAMON: *Maybe they could take the kitty route and just shed their fuzz all over everything. Yes. That would maybe be an effective beenvasion. And since Ramon is kind of fucked in the head lately, he is considering that this mystery tarantula on the wall could very well be a hallucination! But he still tilts his head at it and smiles. Aww. been.* :3

been: *yeah! shed their fuzz and NAP! OH MAN! then you'd be sorry!...for...something! But as the scout for this invading force which totally exists, been will do none of that. THAT WE KNOW OF. Instead, he is like ._. sup. And...waves a foot, which is small and fuzzy and has a toe on the end. :D*

RAMON: *Good thing Bhima isn't in the flat presently. Or been would wind up with horrible, horrible flashbacks. From seeing the face. Of his molester. nuuuuu. D; Anyways, awww, now it's waving. :3 Even if this is a dream-been, it's a cute one. Now we try to hold it. :O A hand is put under his bum, and another higher up to tap him on down. C'mon, been, come on down and be admired. we loff u*

been: *:beengonk: wryyyyy RAEP RAEP HALP THEFT IS NOT HELO o wait that was only narrative mention of a POSSIBLE flashback. phew. been was almost worried for a minute there. :O oh hey now there is a hand :O and another hand! :O what to do now. Eeeeee hand in face, hand in face, back up :o slowly :o one glacially-slow step at a time. Until ACK! Oh no his bum is bumping into things how do you do this X| Until finally he figures it out, and oh hey! Hands! Hands are for sit. :3 * *beenlump*

RAMON: *yay, a beenlump in the hand is worth....two in...the...face. I dunno. No one knows. Much like no one knows how the been got here. Hahah, wouldn't it be great if been being in the flat right now actually had SERIOUS significance, that being maybe the portal to the Nexus is creeping and flickering back open, at least enough to allow a been entry? But in the meantime....beenlump. In hand. :D Ramon is cheered slightly but this unexpected visitor.*

been: *is a harbinger of things to come; nay, an omen! Of what, we aren't quite sure. His effects on life, the universe, and Schrodinger's catbox are entirely a mystery, most of all to himself. For all we know, he napped the portal-lock into submission. Or...stared at it...while it slept. (._______.) Regardless, for now, lumpy is the been. :3 He seems to bear tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy, God rest ye merry invertebrates. Pat pat pat with his two front toes on Ramon's thumb. IS IT MAGIC. They are certainly fuzzy, at least. Perhaps that is magic. :o*

RAMON: *been magic is no scoffing matter. But you realize, been, that now Ramon might be compelled to KEEP you. He already has a narcoleptic Spyder companion, but there is always room for one more! Unless, of course, someone reminds Ramon that been is a free spirit of the Nexus, and cannot be contained! Even Nexus portal failures and plot locks cannot hold him! He goes wherever the wind tells him to, and where he sleeps is home! As such, been probably has many homes. In the meantime (beentime) though, Ramon will probably be happy to have a little fuzzy buddy to keep him company here. Because being locked in your flat....is lonely. :( *

been: *like a twister, baby he was born to run. THE FUNK CANNOT BE CONTAINED, NAY, NOT EVEN WITHIN THE CONFINES OF HIS MIGHTY FUZZY BUM. Or can it. For all we know, whole worlds lie within! Whole universes even! IA! IA! BOOTY FTAGHN! Until the day of reckoning dawns, however, been will accept any offer to sit around and be useless at people, because his word is the way and the light and the naptime. B] Oh wand'ring gambler, oh roving messiah, oh neurologically inactive invertebrate, let nothing contain you but your own lack of interest in moving about or having sentient thoughts. Gather round, children, and been will preach the truth. Or stare at you and prod at your knuckles, for the workings of humanbeens are strange and wondrous.*

((Feel free to comment on this.))


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