((YouTube Time, children! For those of you who STILL haven't played the game Salazar is from (DON'T GIVE ME YOUR EXCUSES, NONE ARE ACCEPTABLE), YouTube pulls through with having clips of RE4's cutscenes! But the only important ones are the ones with Ramon, right? Right!
Meeting Salazar - The first meeting with the 8th castellan upon entering his not-so-humble home. Check you speakers; for some reason, the sound is pretty loud on many of these, this one included. And seeing that it starts right away with Ramon's cackling...
Spike Pit! - Ramon tries to get the drop on Leon (ahahaha, I am so witty), but Leon's got grappling hook skillz like Bobba Fett. Cue a cute little tantrum from our beloved castellan, and him giving the orders to Righty to just hunt down Leon already and keel heem. Also, classic line: "Where is the satisfying sound of one's impalement?"
The Right Hand - Hey! A 3 second clip of Righty! Righty nekkid!
Leon is a Tool - A bit of banter between Leon and Ramon upon the agent catching up. Featuring the Left Hand being a badass and Leon, yes, being a tool.
The Final Fight - And here's the opening and ending clip to the final bout against Salazar. Rar. :E
There is muchmuch more of this game uploaded there, and there's one or two Salazar cutscenes still missing ("Rain or shine, YOU'RE GOING DOWN."), but if there's something else you'd want to view, I'll see if I can dig it up. Otherwise, enjoy!
...And just for the record, yes, I've played this game mercilessly and have been playing Ramon for over a year. And somehow, along the way, I lost my ability to hear 'my' Ramon's voice exactly the way it is in-game. I do not know how this happened.))