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Sep 07, 2005 21:22

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Post your results.
1) Could you see wallflowers____ and spank_me69 together? No
2) How would glenda_blenda kill kai_chan? In a weird but amusing way
3) What is dark_angel1112's favorite band/artist? Hmm...Not sure...
4) Is trinkle_of_rain your best friend? I wouldn't say best friend, but she knows me better than anyone
5) Does studio7___ have a dog? Nope
6) Does skitzo_insanity travel a lot? When she feels like it
7) Does dark_angel1112 drink? Maybe, and then maybe not
8) Where was dark_angel1112 born? :shrug:
9) Have you flirted with franticfactory? lol, literally, no ^^;;
10) What song/movie would you recommend to kai_chan? Constantine
11) If studio7___ took over the world, who would suffer? Everyone but her friends, LIKE ME!!
12) Do skitzo_insanity and peacefulhatred go to the same school? Yes, yes they do
13) What is franticfactory's favorite game? Hmm...It's either Fable, or DDR
14) If kai_chan were hanging off a cliff, what would wallflowers____ do? Probably step on his fingers to make him fall, lol
15) Which president would glenda_blenda be likely to idolize? I would say Bill Clinton because he likes black people like she does
16) Would you ever date peacefulhatred? He's cute enough, but no, plus he's taken
17) What would glenda_blenda think of peacefulhatred? o_O
18) Where did you first meet skitzo_insanity? At school in the gym
19) What comic book character would kai_chan be? LOL, Um.....Not really sure, but he does remind me of number 4 on the Kids Next Door
20) Is studio7___ introverted or extroverted? ....I can't remember what either one of those means >_<
21) One quality you find attractive in wallflowers____? She's really sweet, if you're on her good side
22) What animal does peacefulhatred remind you of? A wild cat, but not ferocious
23) One thing you can't stand about dark_angel1112? AH, I don't know, I don't know her very well like that! >_O
24) Is dark_angel1112 in a relationship? Hot lesbian action with Madison and Liz
25) Would spank_me69 be a better ninja or pirate? Pirate
26) Is kai_chan related to you? No, geeze, noooo
27) Would dark_angel1112 and spank_me69 look good together? ...:thinks:....:shrug:
28) How tall is studio7___? Taller than me...-_-
29) If glenda_blenda had a superpower, what would it be? DISCO POWA OF LOOOOVE, lol, just kidding
30) What mental disorder does stabstab_play remind you of? Spaztic...if that's a disorder
31) Thoughts on spank_me69? <3
32) What would you do if skitzo_insanity died? I'd die too
33) Are dark_angel1112 and franticfactory going out? o_O...Noo
34) How would studio7___ conquer the world? Hmm.....How, I'm not sure, but would she? Yes
35) Is franticfactory single? I believe so
36) Is kai_chan a high school student? :nods: We all are
37) kai_chan's hair color? Red...or Strawberry blond, which ever
38) What do you agree with wallflowers____ about? Umm...pretty much everyone o_O..Can't ever disagreeing with Chelsea on anything
39) Do you think dark_angel1112 is hot? :shrug:
40) Does skitzo_insanity go to your school? Mmmhmm
41) How long have you known dark_angel1112? A few months? And that goes as far as that she exisits
42) Is spank_me69 a college student? No, but my cousin thought she was older
43) Does franticfactory do drugs? Nah, but I'm sure people think she does
44) What would trinkle_of_rain give dark_angel1112 for his/her birthday? A book, since that's all Caitlin ever gives people
45) What is franticfactory's shoe size? ...A 7?
46) What flavor of jello would peacefulhatred be? Cherry!
47) How long would glenda_blenda dating kai_chan last? Not very long
48) Would you wrestle studio7___ in jello? I would, but she'd probably beat me if I tried x_x
49) Would studio7___ and dark_angel1112 make a good couple? .......Nah
50) What is franticfactory's favorite color? Greeeeeeeen
51) What is stabstab_play's favorite food? O.o...Cheerios?
52) Does dark_angel1112 have a crush on wallflowers____? Doubtful, since I don't think they even know each other
53) If franticfactory and trinkle_of_rain were siamese twins, where would they be joined? The waist
54) Which of your friends should skitzo_insanity go out with? .......Anyone she'd wanted to I guess o_O
55) Is studio7___ athletic? Nah, not that I know of
56) Does kai_chan have a big secret? Always
57) Is dark_angel1112 a nerd? I love nerds
58) franticfactory's eye color? Can't remember
59) Have you ever dated stabstab_play? No
60) Does trinkle_of_rain smoke? Caitlin: NONONONO!!
61) Do you have a crush on spank_me69? <3
62) Has dark_angel1112 been to your house/dorm? Nope
63) If kai_chan and stabstab_play were spliced together, what would it be like? O_O
64) Does peacefulhatred know spank_me69? If so not very well
65) Is glenda_blenda friends with dark_angel1112? :shrug: Haven't asked
66) What is studio7___'s biggest flaw? Anti-social, but I'm that way too
67) Did franticfactory break up with you? No, we never went out!
68) What would you do if you found out studio7___ has a crush on you? Wouldn't bother me all that much. Plenty of people have had crushes on me
69) What is peacefulhatred's favorite movie? Probably something with lots of action and blood...or something really funny
70) When did you last call dark_angel1112? ...Never
71) Is spank_me69 dead sexy? <3<3
72) What planet should glenda_blenda be from? Jupiter!
73) What would franticfactory do differently in your shoes? Fall
74) What animal should wallflowers____ be combined with? Some sort of cat
75) Would trinkle_of_rain go out with franticfactory? Probably not ^^;
76) Would you make out with franticfactory? O_<
77) What is dark_angel1112 allergic to? Gah, I don't know!
78) What languages does skitzo_insanity speak? German, und Japanese...sorta
79) Is trinkle_of_rain 1337? ...Huh?
80) Is glenda_blenda related to skitzo_insanity? Maybe
81) What word best describes peacefulhatred? Awww!
82) What color should stabstab_play dye their hair? Black..............................
83) Where would kai_chan most like to visit? Japan
84) Where was kai_chan born? In America...?
85) Are studio7___ and trinkle_of_rain married? LOLOLOLNO.....
86) If glenda_blenda and franticfactory were spliced together, what would be its name? Glendalin
87) What exotic animal would glenda_blenda like as a pet? I think she'd be like a really colorful bird...or something with lots of colors
88) Would you set up franticfactory and dark_angel1112? No, I don't do that
89) If peacefulhatred was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? Me!! KindaGhetto Girl!!!
90) What rank would skitzo_insanity have in a giant robot army? Captain, middle rank
91) What video game does spank_me69 remind you of? No bra, no panties....
92) How many monkeys could wallflowers____ fight at once and win against? As many as you threw at her! SHE IS INDESTRUTABLE!!!
93) Do you have franticfactory's screenname? Yeeesssssss
94) If spank_me69 took over the world, who would be happy? Not many people...just the cool ones
95) What do you disagree with kai_chan about? Stop being raciest Kyle!!
96) Has stabstab_play dyed their hair? I dunno, probably so
97) If stabstab_play commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? The wild weird ones
98) Is wallflowers____ popular? With me she is
99) Are peacefulhatred and dark_angel1112 going steady? No, but I think I could see that..
100) Is stabstab_play an emo? She has emo glasses, but no, not really
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