Aug 22, 2005 00:01
In case some of you didn't know. I was at my cousin Tan's house from Thursday evening until now. Mom and my aunt went to Washington and she wouldn't let me stay home by myself, so I camped out at da cuz's house. Twas very fun. Tired to update while I was over there but her computer internet kept screwing up and wouldn't load so..yeah..Just letting everyone know I haven't died or anything.
Had a great time. Went bowling Friday night after school. Kinda wanted to go fishing, but the pond closed at 7:00 at it was some time around 5:00, so bowling it was. Didn't win, but had a good time nuh the less. Tried to get Tan, or even Vanshion for that matter to play that weird version of DDR. You know, the one with the four steps plus the step in the middle. Yeah, but they didn't want to fall trying to do it, so instead I convinced Tan to play that skate board game they have at arcades. Twas quite funny ^_^.
Saturday, Tan was at work, so Vanshion and I spent the day together. Went to the movies. Nothing special, just something to do, and we saw Four Brothers. Good movie actually, was kinda worried it was suck, horribly, but it was actually really good. Might buy it when it comes out. Whoo. So, anyway, today, Tan had to work, AND Vanshion had to go to work too at 3. Spent all day by myself, kinda. Went outside and played with Brownie (Tan's dog) and made a new four legged friend. He was standing on the hill and scared me at first because I couldn't really see him since I didn't have my glasses on, and he kinda looked like a rotweilder. Went back inside and got my glasses, came back out and he was still there. He wasn't a rotweidler, but a pitbull. Either way, was still a bit nervous. Didn't know how aggressive he was. Stood on the back porch (It's screened in) and squated in front of the door and called to him and snapped my fingers. His tail waged, but I still wasn't entirely sure if it was a friendly wag or what. Got a little braver and opend the door and peeped out and called to him again. This time he grined and his little ears went back in that submissive way, and he wagged his tail even harder. So I was like, "Awww, you don't want to hurt any body." Went out and he came up to me. Was a little shy, and I could tell that he might had been mistreated by people in the past, but he was real sweet and gentle, and just wanted a friend.
Walked out to the front yard to see if anyone was out there looking for him perhaps, he did have a collar on, but no tag, and he followed me out there, tail still wagging and still smiling. Sat in the grass with him until a kid across the street said he had seen him around the neighborhood. The kid was maybe 6 or something. He came over to see the dog, but poor guy was so scared that the kid was gonna hit him or something, he started backing up against me and closed his eyes real tight and lowered his head. I put my arms around him and kept telling him I wouldn't let any thing happen to him and everything was alright. The little boy was nice though and petted him. So when he did that, big guy wasn't scared anymore and started wagging his tail again and smiling. After that, one by one, these kids came over into the yard to pet him. Then one girl said she was gonna go get her brother..That's when it all started. The guy said he was 15, came out with a leash and said his mom told him he could have him. He kept saying how we shouldn't hug him and pet him like we were because it was making him too nice. The little boy that first came over was all:
"He ain't no fightin' dog! Don't make dat dog fight no body!" The guy was just all, "Well, he ain't gotta fight, he just gotta be tougher 'an dat!" Pissed me off because the dog was sweet and wouldn't of hurt anything, and here he comes with this ghetto bullshit, just because he's a pitbull. But, there wasn't anything I could of done...It wasn't my side of town, plus I had no where to put the little thing except just let him run loose, which wouldn't of worked since the boy would of probably just taken him sometime later when he saw him again. So, he and all the other kids walked up to one guys house for some flea spray. Big guy didn't really want to go, and kept looking back at me as they kinda pulled him along...Wanted to cry, and my concious kept kicking me, even now, for letting that kid take him. I'm just scared he's gonna be mean to him. Poor thing was already scared someone was gonna hurt him, and now he's with some black kid just trying to be cool, who thinks he needs to be "tougher". Gah, I swear, I hate my race sometimes. Majority of the time actually..Makes me sick..
:sigh: Other than that, good day. Mom and my aunt got back home. With no lugage though...Long story. But they got home safe and sound, so it's all good. Now, I'm back home, in my own room, on my own computer. Pick Toebe up from the Vet tomorrow afternoon, and the guy from Popeyes called saying that if I still wanted to work to give him a call and he'll hire me. Eh..I'm kinda nervous now...Plus if I do work, I'll miss Christie's party Friday...Oh well, I'll work it all out when I get to it I guess..G'night all.