Jul 25, 2006 19:06
It's really ridiculous when people think that just getting a mohawk will make them punk rock. Do they even know how stereotypical and trendy that is? They think if they wear a sex pistols shirt and jump around being an idiot and hate everyone then you are automaticly a punk rocker. "fuck the government, but why? who cares! We're too PUNK to care." You don't have to know what it's really about... as long as you have a mohawk, a pair of converse, and a studded pyramid belt.
I can't believe some people actually think like this.
There is just something so very un-punk about having to show off how "punk" you are by having to shout it around in public places while wearing a band shirt and all this hot topic merchandise shit.
Can't they tell that there is most definatly more to punk culture than this, and that there are people out there that can tell you are clearly naive about what they are projecting.