03 ♏ Vriska ===> have none of the sympathy

Sep 17, 2011 15:46

-- arachnidsGrip [AG] began trolling Discedo City [DC] --

How a8out all of these 8odies, huh?
Reminds me of my flarping days!
I was never so careless though to m8ke such a mess. That's just 8eing sloppy!
There are a whole 8unch of you that seem pretty upset over this though.
Any clue a8out who or what is responsi8le?
I kind of would like to know

!ic, !discedo

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lonelyglub September 17 2011, 22:24:44 UTC
i wwonder if they havve dead lusus too
remember those days vvri


8ossyfangs September 17 2011, 22:46:40 UTC
I haven't seen even a single dead lusus!
8ut yes.
Yes I do remem8er.


lonelyglub September 17 2011, 22:49:47 UTC
wwe wwere the best duo
the best
mindfang and dualscar
our ship wwas simply the best


8ossyfangs September 17 2011, 23:13:27 UTC
Yeah we were pretty gr8 8ack then.
I won't deny that!
Those sure were the days!


lonelyglub September 17 2011, 23:29:22 UTC
whatevver happened to those days?


8ossyfangs September 17 2011, 23:37:39 UTC
Don't ask me!
You're the one that 8ecame such a p8n to work with!


lonelyglub September 17 2011, 23:43:00 UTC
i wwas not a pain!
i wwas goin through some tough times and you knoww that
you stopped answwerin me on trollian
the glub wwas that all about!?


8ossyfangs September 17 2011, 23:53:15 UTC
I was really 8usy! I can't just up and excuse myself from all my other duties!
I had a spidermom to feed!
And there were various other things to attend to as well!
You are kind of a drag sometimes too. That's not my fault.
So don't you glu8 at me!


lonelyglub September 17 2011, 23:54:59 UTC
wwah wwah wwah
wwe all knoww
wwell i kneww about your spider mom
wwhy do you think i helped team up wwith you?
to finish off trolls and their lusus to feed YOURS and FEFS lusus


8ossyfangs September 18 2011, 19:55:38 UTC
I could have fed my lusus just fine without you!
Jeez Eridan that's your pro8lem!
No one cares a8out stuff like that.
Not when you're such a 8ig whiny whiner!


lonelyglub September 18 2011, 21:24:15 UTC
its a wwin wwin situation


8ossyfangs September 20 2011, 16:23:14 UTC
What part of dealing with you m8kes it a win win situ8tion?


lonelyglub September 20 2011, 23:43:36 UTC
the part wwhere wwe play co op mode and havve the highest of high scores amongst teams
wwhile effectivvely givvin each other enough competition to make up for the lack of it


8ossyfangs September 22 2011, 04:32:00 UTC
Well. May8e that's an okay reason.
8ut those times are over!
Think you can even still keep up with me, Dualscar?


lonelyglub September 22 2011, 10:27:33 UTC
a course i can mindfang
i can keep up wwith you any day and evvery day


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