02 ♏ vriska ===> regaining ALL THE LEVELS

Aug 25, 2011 18:05

-- arachnidsGrip [AG] began trolling Discedo City [DC] --

Listen up, every8ody ( Read more... )

@marco, @tavros, @gamzee, !ic, @karkat, !discedo

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thegreathonk August 26 2011, 19:35:56 UTC
CaN i GeT mInE oUt ToO?
aLsO wHaT's A mOtHeRfUcKiNg ChIp?


8ossyfangs August 26 2011, 20:31:49 UTC
8luh, Gamzee!
Why don't you know what it is?

Never mind.

8ut uh sure if you want it out then may8e we can try to get yours out too. May8e.
Don't know why you would 8other, though.


thegreathonk August 26 2011, 21:51:19 UTC
WeLl I dUnNo MaN.
i MeAn YoU sEeM tO wAnT tO gEt YoUrS oUt ReAlLy BaDlY
aNd I rEmEmBeR sOmEtHiNg AbOuT lIkE eVeRyBoDy HaTiNg ChIpS hErE.
sO i GuEsS tHis BrOtHeR dOeSn'T wAnT tO gEt LeFt BeHiNd WiTh AlL tHiS cHiP-sHiT.
pLuS wE'd Be LiKe
MoThErFuCkInG cHiP-bRoS!
wOuLdN't ThAt Be SoMe SwEeT sHiT?


8ossyfangs August 27 2011, 12:32:40 UTC
Well Gamzee if you want to be my chip-8ro I guess that's okay!
You'd pro8a8ly 8e a 8etter 8ro than most the 8ros I could have around here!


thegreathonk August 27 2011, 14:54:14 UTC
HeLl YeS mOtHeRfUcKiNg ChIp BrOs!
PeOpLe ArE gOiNg To SeE uS aNd Be LiKe
HeY lOoK aT tHoSe MoThErFuCkErS tHeY sTiLl HaVe ThEiR cHiPs.
AnD tHeN wE'Re LiKe
SuP mOtHeRfUcKeRs ChEcK tHe ShIt OuT oF tHiS sHiT.
cHiPs GoT sHiT oN uS!


8ossyfangs August 30 2011, 00:58:34 UTC
Sure, Gamzee!
I 8et that is exactly how it will 8e!


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