"That's why I never told you what I was really up to"

Dec 16, 2004 22:07

These Green Eyes are an awesome band. They're playing at the show tomorrow, or so I'm told. I asked Momma if I could borrow the car and she asked me who I was going with and when I told her no one, she looked at me, frowned and said "How sad." Yeah. I don't mind. I don't necessarily like it, but I don't mind it. I don't seem to mind about alot anymore. Which is a good thing considering how neurotic I was becoming.

Steve came home yesterday! I picked him up and we went to the chorus concert. We sat with Dan and Dave. Dave and I had a good time watching Corinne molest the audience via the stage. I didn't walk Steve to his door so he didn't put out. Damn. MICKEY COMES HOME TOMORROW! I miss her. I told Tara that I was going to come over and we would play checkers on Mickey's bed until she got home.

School's not going too well. I'm failing italian and alg. I'm working my ass off now. Forged Momma's signature on my italian progress report. May Will have to do it with my alg one. I have a C+/B- in english. An A in us history, go figure. We have Mr. C until January 10th I think. Gym is actually fun. Volleyballs fun. The community service food drive is coming up. I hope I'm driving. It'll be fun. I get along with everyone in CS, but there are some I just don't know. Volunteering's fun. It's nice to go to the elementry school after a long, boring day of school and watch these kids sing. I think I'll be able to go to their concert on Monday. I really want to. And Dana's there on Thursdays and Fridays too, so it's not like I'm completely alone.

My way of thinking has altered a bit recently. It's like I don't really think, but when I do, it's about the most obscure things.

The only difference between life and death is the fact that right now, you're alive. The only difference between life and death when you're dead, is the fact that you aren't alive anymore.
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