Feb 02, 2011 13:55
[ Maybe the rest of the Cherrygrovestuck crew has noticed Vriska's absence. She's been busy in the tall grass, training her Spinarak like it's nobody's business. Cold and snow ain't stopping this little lady!
Speaking of, it's not a Spinarak anymore. If you're in Cherrygrove you probably won't be able to help but see Vriska hanging around the Pokemon Center with her giant spiderfriend, fingers always on the Pokegear keypad. ]
Spinner has already evolved and this place is 8ooooooooring.
How am I supposed to get all the levels when all there is to 8eat around here are tiny feather and fur 8easts?
As soon as the weather lets up, I'm 8lowing this joint! I'm leaving for Violet whether anyone comes with me or not!
@soul eater evans,
@john egbert