Title: is the grass greener on the other side
Author: Ally
Pairing: Yunho/Jaejoong
Disclaimer: do not own them
Beta- the wonderful
crazylilazngirl Warning- small mention of m-preg.and also au
Once again, JaeJoong was hiding in his room. He was just not sure how much more he could take, because of course Moonbin was mad at him. Of course daddy Yunho was the hero, while he was the bad guy again. It just seems like no matter what he did, He was always the evil one. And there was the fact; That Yunho was not helping him at all.
Ever since he found out he was pregnant with Moonbin, It seem like his life was turn upside down. Everything in his life was so wild. However he was happy that he had Moonbin And he loved he and Yunho with all his heart. But then there were changes. The second after he told Yunho about the pregnant, Yunho told him that he should just quit his job. So that he won’t over stress and both the baby and himself would be safe. JaeJoong tried to argue that with Yunho, But Yunho won the fight in the end. For the first few years JaeJoong was happy. He loves the fact that he was there to see everything, since he didn't work. He didn't need to miss any of the firsts in Moonbin life. There was down side to this life, Yunho, was the one that was missing a lot of things. Then it became to Moonbin missing his daddy. It also seem like Yunho was always there for the fun times But never home when Moonbin was grumpy or acting bad. In the end, JaeJoong was the bag one.
He was the evil one, who made Moonbin take his bath. He was the evil one, who tried to get Moonbin into bed. Daddy came, and Moonbin would get excited. Making things harder for JaeJoong, due to the two would start to play around. These days, JaeJoong would still Moonbin it was time to sleep and Moonbin would yell at him. That began to really get to him because there was only so many time that JaeJoong could take Moonbin yelling that ‘he hated him’. Now it happened more often, but the thing was much worst was that Yunho was doing nothing to help him.
Now when Yunho came home, and JaeJoong said it was time to go to sleep; he would go and grab Yunho. Then the end result was Yunho tucking in Moonbin. He would walk into their shared bedroom giving JaeJoong a quick kiss on the cheek and fall asleep, before JaeJoong could count to ten. Then in the morning, Yunho would leave early for work, leaving him with an angry Moonbin, who was angry at the fact that he didn’t get to see his father.
However, JaeJoong never, once, blamed Yunho for how Moonbin was acting. Yunho had to support to work to the support the family. As time passed, Moonbin became angrier with JaeJoong, and each morning he would hide. Now, days were empty and he felt lost and couldn’t figure it out.
His day became to: he would wake up to empty bed. Then he would go to Moonbin’s room to wake him up. After fighting with Moonbin for ten minutes, because he was not Yunho, he gets Moonbin dressed and to have his breakfast. However in those ten minutes, Moonbin would yell that ‘he hated him’. Not being able to handle it, he would let Moonbin go and play with his toys, while he locked himself in his room and cry. Later he would clean the house up, because there was nothing else to do. He would go to see if Moonbin wanted to play with him. However, the end result would be Moonbin yelling that he wanted his father.
There was no lying that he was at the end of his rope. He even almost hit Moonbin once and, yet he was still causing JaeJoong trouble. Unsure of what to do, JaeJoong now hid in his room and only went to go wake Moonbin, get his dressed, and have breakfast. Now Moonbin was mad at him again, since there was no Yunho once again. It was his fault and Moonbin decided that it would be fun to throw his toys at him. Losing his cool, JaeJoong yelled at Moonbin to go to his room, and to think what if he had hurt him or anything in the house, that father had worked hard to get. Moonbin looked at JaeJoong with a shocked looked and slowly walked back to his room. The look Moonbin had given him hurt him more then it hurt Moonbin. He calm fully walked after Moonbin, and went into his room. There he cried silently, knowing that Moonbin was now madder at him then ever. He just spent the rest of the day in his room. He had fallen asleep, so he didn’t hear when Yunho come home. On the other hand, Moonbin had heard when the door open and raced to the front door.
“Daddy” yelled Moonbin as he raced to see his daddy.
“Hi Moonbin, how was your day?” asked Yunho as he smiled at his son.
“Mom yelled at me and he made me feel scared,” answered Moonbin.
Yunho looked at Moonbin, and he continued, “He was really mean to me Daddy.”
“Moonbin, you need to go to bed. So that I can have a talk with your Mommy,” said Yunho
“Ok, love you,” Moonbin hugged him.
“I love you too,” said Yunho as he gave Moonbin a kiss on the cheek.
“Night Daddy” said Moonbin as he skipped off to his room, hiding a smile that came to his face.
Yunho tried to calm himself down before going to see JaeJoong, but he was so angry and more or less shocked. After about five minutes of trying to calm down. He went to shared bedroom to have a talk with JaeJoong. Opening the door, he was greeted with a sleeping JaeJoong. He, however, didn’t take notice of the tear stains on the pillow.
“JaeJoong,” Yunho was now calmer than before and shook JaeJoong awake softly. JaeJoong woke up and rubbed his eyes. Yunho didn’t take notice that his eyes were cry and puffy either. “You yelled at Moonbin.”
JaeJoong wasn’t shocked, he knew Moonbin would tell Yunho, but he couldn’t think of anything. “Yes, I yelled at him, but only-“
“Moonbin is a child, our baby,” Yunho looked at JaeJoong.
“It’s been a bit hard with Moonbin, and you’re not around to help,” JaeJoong answered softly.
“I have to work, put the food on the table,” Yunho explained.
JaeJoong was beginning to get angry but kept his voice calm, “I know that, but Moonbin yells at me, he kicks me, he tells me that he hates me, and acts like a little brat when you’re not around.”
Yunho was taken back by the answer, “But someone has to work.”
“I would trade spots with you anytime,” JaeJoong looked out the window, tears were coming back.
“You won’t be able to handle work,” Yunho answered, wondering why JaeJoong had turned away from him.
“I was a cook, Yunho, a great one that the most. I quit because you asked me to, to take care of your child. I handle pressure,” JaeJoong looked at Yunho out of the corner of his eye. “I want you go get out of this room, I don’t want you to sleep next to me, until you understand what I go through.”
Yunho couldn’t believe it; JaeJoong was kicking him out of their room, “Don’t think about yelling to him again.”
The next day, went JaeJoong woke up he decided it was time, to show Yunho. He went and made a phone call to Yunho’s mother, asking her if it was okay if she could watch him for a little while. She jumped in joy and agreed to watch him. JaeJoong thanked her, and quickly got Moonbin ready to go. Moonbin was happy to go to Grandmother’s and only kicked JaeJoong three times, and telling him that he hated him only once. JaeJoong drove to Moonbin to Grandmother’s, dropping his off. Moonbin was very happy; he had never seen his grandparents for a very long time. He didn’t even stop to give JaeJoong a goodbye, but JaeJoong didn’t mind. He stayed in the car waving at Yunho’s mother and watching Moonbin go into the house. He smiled to himself while he saw Moonbin so happy.
After Moonbin went into the house, and the door closed JaeJoong drove back to the house. Reaching the house, JaeJoong quickly went to his room, and walked over to the closest. He pulled out two suitcases, filling both with cloths and the picture of the three of them that was on his nightstand. He left a note telling Yunho that Moonbin was at Grandmother’s and that there was food in the fridge. He looked around the house and placed the note where Yunho had put his keys. He took a breath and left, knowing that Moonbin would be happy. He put his things into the truck of his car and drove out of the driveway.