Jul 24, 2004 09:44
for those who didnt know that the sun sets twice before the world ends, here's the story...
a time that passed before all of us were here, it was a time that was considered the perfect time for men to be free of worry and for the world to be contained in a box that had no room for hope, now with these certain constrains, you would expect some kind of discontent to arise in the men of the world, but they were blessed with a thing that consumes all those who ignore their suffering and are ignorant to its effects. a day in this life was not to be considered a light thing, every emotion, every gust of wind, every sunrise, every little detail of their environment was worshiped and monitored, and every moment of time that was lost in this wonder was made up by the lack of care for every other man, every other creature, every other living thing, every sea, ocean, lake, river, or stream, all ignored, "for one can never allow his imagination be controlled by the details of life" was a quote to be posted on the walls of every household of men, blue is there face when they realized the wrongs, what is what is said in respond to the loss they will face in two sunrises,
the hallowed, unhallowed date of day two was set as the intiation for the first and final tailor for the sky's wind and the clouds.
the orchestrator of the emotions was bumbling through his archives of all the emotions ever felt, when he stumbled across a very minute foliclesize emotion, and it was worry, not the average worry that is seen in everyday life,( keep in mind, there is no worry here,)but this worry was worry for the world... this baffled the orchestrator, what was he to do with such a little file, a small detail, that had been stored there for sometime, which was no time at all, what could he do with it? tell someone? this was a world of no worry for men, there would be no reason to alarm those with no worry. Torn and confused, he placed the little emotion in his shirt pocket and brushed his hands of the encounter, but only slightly, for now he was infected with the emotion's charm...
someplace else:
two little girls daintily dance together in a forest of bare trees, taking their jollies from their dance and the world in a girlish glee . they dance to the sounds of the wind threatening tornadoes and the sky and clouds threatening storms of enormous proportions. the two girls glow with a white and pink hue, which completely offsets/contrasts the background they take joy from, all is well, they've danced like this for sometime, which was no time at all, they danced without worry in the fields of discontent.
to be continued...