Dec 02, 2007 16:46
I am beginning work on my graduate entrance essay. As swift and light as I have found the pen in the past, words with consequence always leave me in the sand. It’s the same with the spoken word. You can always tell when I have something important to say if I stumble, rephrase, restart, or just can't finish getting something out. A more convenient reason for hesitation is the fact that I do not have all my letters of recommendation squared away. I know one is taken care of and the second teacher wants to have a formal meeting with me before she writes the letter for me. The third professor however, has disappeared. I was able to get her to agree to meet with me over coffee (as she is on academic leave for the year) and then she vanished. I have left sent an email and left a phone message. Keep your finger crossed for me on that one. So now, I just spend my time getting on my own case about not making that first draft. Somehow, I am writing all in my head. Or at least, that is the line I keep telling myself.