Jul 13, 2006 23:22
Clinton on Titanic
Reagon, Nixon and Clinton are on the Titanic. The ship hits an iceberg and sinks slowly. Everybody starts screaming, panicking, etc. Reagon shouts:"women and children first." Nixon goes:"fuck the women." Clinton replies:"do you think we have time?"
Q: What's the difference between a Democrat and a catfish?
A: One is an ugly, scum-sucking bottom-feeder and the other one is a fish.
Q: What's the difference between a Democrat and a leech?
A: A leech quits sucking your blood after you die.
Q: How many republicans does it take to raise your taxes?
A: None. The Democrats do that.
Q: What's the difference between a liberal and a puppy?
A: A puppy stops whining after it grows up.
Q: What is the difference between an intelligent liberal and Bigfoot?
A: Bigfoot has been spotted.
Liberals are like seagulls: all they do is squawk, eat crap and are protected by the government.
Q: What is a conservative?
A: A liberal who made it past adolescence.