Jun 24, 2006 01:00
Damn, things are expensive nowadays. Our garage door died and we have to get a new one. Which is good and bad at the same time. Good because, the one we have now is old as hell. Like 20 years old I think. Bad because, it is going to cost about $1,000.00. Of course, we can afford it but, still! At least we won't have to worry about buying a new one for many, many years to come. There are 4 weeks in a month and $1,000.00 is about a 1/2 week's pay so, we are good to go. It still sucks though. Alyssa has her banquet tomorrow. She is excited about that. She gets her trophy, then we are going to Gator Aquatic to go swimming. I've already signed her up for soccer. She is really looking forward to that. A lot of her friend's are going to play. Including her best friends Brooke and Destinie. They are so cute together. Alyssa is so mature. Very prim and proper. She loves dressing up. She wears dresses and skirts all the time. That is her clothes of choice. I allow her to pick her own clothes out. Let her have her own style. She has pretty damn good taste if I do say so myself. She points out that so and so's shirt doesn't match their pants, or her shoes don't look right with that dress, or my favorite..."Mommy, you look really pretty today". She is the sweetest girl in the world. She got an award for "most caring" from her Kindergarten teacher. Stephie, on the other hand, is my kinda gal. Straight forward, to the point, tell you like it is, adorable, and beautiful. I get comments from people all the time. Every time I take them out some place, at least one person says "you have the prettiest girls". They're not pretty, they are beautiful! Everyone comments on their hair. It's fun to see who comments on which one's hair because, they both have beautiful hair but, they are completely different from each other. Alyssa has long, thick, curly, blond hair and Stephie has beautiful, long, straight, red hair. The most beautiful shade of red I have ever seen. Some people comment on how pretty Alyssa's hair is, while others comment on how pretty Stephie's is and how you can't buy that shade of red. LOL. I could go on and on about my girls because, they are the most beautiful girls in this entire universe. And of course, because they are MY girls. I would have to say, they are blessed with my body shape. When they get older, I'm gonna have to beat the boys off with a stick. I know I had to. LOL. I'm not trying to be conceited, just being honest. When you got it, you got it. Anyways, Wayne and I are doing great. Better than ever. Looking forward to the many adventures we will partake this summer. Including Emerald Point, Kings Dominion, Busch Gardens, Dollywood, Indy 400, King's Island, Myrtle Beach, and many, many more. I love summer! I love amusement parks! I love roller coasters! Adrenaline is my best friend, aside from Wayne, of course. LOL. Seen Dave last week. Got to meet the folks, they were really sweet. Took Dave for a short drive in my new van. He said it was very nice. Going to my uncle's house on July 3rd for a cookout with the family. Looking forward to that. July 4th, we will go watch fireworks, of course. The girls are excited about that. I'm taking up gardening. Never really been my cup of tea but, I'm looking forward to learning. I dug around the front of my house the other day for like 2 hours. I'm about halfway done, after that, I'm ready to plant some flowers and bushes and whatnot. So much to do, so little time!