Oct 19, 2006 14:12

Wow! That was a real OLD SKOOL episode, wasn't it? There was a flashback with a bit of a surprise, a brilliant dream sequence, POLAR BEAR, Charlie's "Einsteins of the bear community", naked Desmond and a pretty creepy ending! Because in my opinion the fact that (naked) Desmond can foresee the future is pretty creepy! Pretty creepy, I say!

I actually quite liked the first two episodes of the season as well but this was really refreshing somehow.

But seriously the airport scene was amazing.

Okay. Now I'm off to see if previews for next week have made their way to the internet yet and then I'll watch the Project Runway finale. :x I just wanted to make a Lost entry for the first time in ages!

edit: oh my, i actually messed up the coding of the lj-cut. :< hope no one got spoiled because of me; it was up for only a second or two like that, though. still... oops.

i love tv: lost, i love tv

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