Jul 03, 2008 10:49
2145: Arrive home and rush downstairs to keep an IM date with someone I used to know.
2315: Log off IM, finish my library book and clean up my iTunes library a bit.
2330: Go to bed.
0030: Somewhat surprised to still be awake when I get a phone call.
0140: "We have NOT been talking for an hour. It's been like twenty minutes!"
0145: Return to attempting sleep.
0315: Woken by theatrically loud crack of thunder and lightning. After a minute, decide it is not stopping and go to open my window and watch.
0330: Thunderstorm has tapered. Hoping to get some sleep now, scrounge around for that melatonin tablet my friend gave me the other day.
0335: Knock something over loudly in the dark but don't want to turn on any lights to fix it.
0340: Discover I have no water in my room, so end up washing down tablet with disgusting-but-safely-preserved month-old flat soda.
0345: Return to bed.
0400: Last time check before falling asleep.
0845: Alarm.
0950: Actually get up.
So this merits two observations:
1. I can't say I've ever been woken up by the weather before.
2. Apparently is IS possible for me to go to bed at 4 a.m.