[Those who are familiar with Goldenrod and it's surrounding areas will notice that Vriska is just outside the city on Route 35. She's glaring down at the spider Pokémon who seems rather pleased with itself, and a female Nidoran lay unconscious beside it. Spinneret has just defeated the poor creature, but her trainer is not so happy with her.]Don't
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Okay, now pretend there's an eight in the word I'm about to say next. Congratulations! To both of you! [Because someone has to give that poor spider some genuine approval.]
Pictured with the eight in it's appropriate place. It's about time though! Seriously, I don't know what's wrong with her. Or maybe it's me? A part of my bad luck come back to haunt me for fun.
[She just doesn't get that kind of mindset.]
And of course Tavros is just as pathetic as pathetic can be. [Eyeroll]
Tavros is...your magikarp right?
[She glances over toward the Ariados]
It better. She'd never make it as a troll this way. Young grubs have to go through trials. A lot of them don't make it.
What are the trials, exactly? I don't think you or anyone else have told me about those before.
As for the trials they're mostly dangerous and meant to sort the strong from the weak. The weak aren't needed in our society and are rooted out from the start. It's once you prove yourself in the trials that a Lusus actually chooses you.
I was chosen to feed mine.
[Isn't it fun having to relive old conversations with him, Vriska?]
Pretty much. We're born similar to one of your earth bugs, pillars or some dumb name like that. Not long after we cocoon in the caverns where we'll be expected to face our trials once we're done transforming.
[He falls silent for a moment. What he's hearing certainly isn't all that pleasant, but it does explain a few things.]
I'm suddenly realizing that I never really stopped to think about just how different trolls are from humans. I always just kind of assumed there were just tiny little differences here and there...
What's growing up as a human like anyway. [Best change the subject, away from killing.]
But growing up human is... [He pauses, looking thoughtful for a moment.] well it's...um. I guess more than anything else, it's a lot of fun. At least for me it was.
Fun, huh. I won't say. mine wasn't fun. I had plenty of it. You should see my treasure hoards sometime. But it's a cut throat world on Alternia. Growing up human probably wouldn't have been so bad.
[She looks thoughtful as well.]
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