Jun 14, 2010 03:54
So. Vriska here is from that maaaaaaaass irritating web comic series with the annoying typing. Jeeeeeeeeze.
For those who don't know Vriska types in 8old, 8lue courier font, replacing all her b's with 8's and soooooooometimes longating her vowels 8y eeeeeeeeight. When she g8ts particularly ups8t sh8 interj8ts 8's in pl8ces where they d8n't m8ke any sense!!!!!!!!
If you would rather not have to deal with such a paaaaaaaain, please let me know here, and I will refrain from quirking.
Vriska is also a huge bitch, and if you'd just rather not deal with her in general, that's okay too. Just let me know.
quirk permissions,