The Cake kind of lied...

Sep 25, 2011 23:33

rrr, so.... that one time I said I'd update frequently again...
that... apparently... was kind of a lie.
[insert Portal reference here]

Sorry, I've had this post going for a few weeks now...

What are the happs?

The Happs are mostly me avoiding posting to lj (f⌐ _⌐ );
For no particular reason (other than there are so many things. All the things. It takes so loooong).
I'm really sorry to the few remaining souls shipping the Ye Goode Ship Livejournal; please accept my sincere apologies.

Lately I've not been doing an awful lot except for working four days a week, and going to the occassional class. This semester is going roughly the way last semester did - that is to say it's not quite half-way through the semster and I've already failed to hand in (or really even start) two assignments.
But I am also at a complete loss as to what I'm going to do next year, once I've graduated.
My options include

♚ Staying at university for one more teeth-pulling year, to do a diploma of education. If I leave it until later, it will be a two year degree (but a masters instead of a diploma). I've recently discovered, however, it may be my only slim chance at employment in this lifetime.

♚ Applying for the JET programme to teach English in Japan for a year or two, although if I am accepted, I won't leave until August next year (and I have little say as to where I am placed).

♚ Trying to find a job here in Perth. (CUE HYSTERICAL CYNNICAL LAUGHTER).

♚ Die in a ditch somewhere.

I think I'm just going to apply for everything and then decide.

Apart from 毎日毎日バイトと大学ばかり, Cake has been having small adventures.
If they were a katamari, they would be dubbed....
with just a tinge of artsy.
That's a lie. This katamari is mostly made up of food. And webcomics.
You may notice I've also been playing We Love Katamari.....
Other lifey things include:

♛ Preparing to sell our family home, which mostly involves me having to remove most of my clutterdecorations and keep my room reasonably neat all the time. It's horrible and feels like limbo, but looks like a bust soon anyway (yaaay~)

♛ Reading one kajillion new (to me) wonderful webcomics, with even more in my Immediate Links To Trawl bookmarks folder. I will devote an entire separate post to webcomicy goodness, although
Teahouse (NSFW),
Starfighter (NSFW),
Cucumber Quest,
Sfeer Theory,
Fox Sister
get a special mention.

♛ Going to art exhibitions and poetry literature events and strange post-modern plays with aerial acrobatics and being Cultured And Arty. I've even worn my fake hipster glasses and even faker Nile Perch glasses out (。・ω-。)

♛ I re-rainbowed my hair, and I have to say, it looks ALL KINDS OF FABULOUS.

♛ Reading! Books!
I've bought rather a lot of books recently, including, finally, a book by one of my favourite people ever, Joey Comeau.
※ I bought One Bloody Thing After Another (half of which is available online for free, I believe) - I've read it, like three times before, but I still read the whole book in one night, upon arrival.
※ I also bought Havemercy, which is co-authored by one of the authors of Shoebox Project, and read that in one night as well. It's so romantic *swoon* (and full of gay love~~~)
※ And I bought what I assume is probably Dianna Wynne Jones' final book Enchanted Glass - also read voraciously, although it was missing some of the twisty charm of her other novels...
※ Last night I read Neil Gaiman's Odd and the Frost Giants in one go.
※ And I'm vaguely avoiding my impulse buy The Book of Human Skin by Michelle Lovric. It's gripping in its own way, but none of the characters have really endeared themselves to me, and one is downright nasty.
※ I also bought a children's dinosaur encylopaedia, to supplement the field guide that I can't understand...
And more.................
(Looking forward to the release of the next Discworld novel, Snuff, in October!!)

♛ Also been grooving to musics.
Although 2011 seems to be rather the Year of Disappointing Album Releases.
※ Wow. I haven't devoted a post to PON PON PON yet. Crazy.
It's GRAND and DANDY and after listening to it on Youtube for a week, I bought the album. Totally not a disappointment :D
※ Unlike Panic at the Disco!'s long-awaited release Vices and Virtues, which was so bad that I basically wash my hands of them.
※ Versailles' latest release, Holy Grail is slowly growing on me, but makes me powerfully nostalgic for the 'oldschool' Noble era. I was completely happy with the evolution of their new sound in the single releases last year and this year (DESTINY - The Lovers and Philia respectively), but the songs in the new album just aren't as shiny and I can't dig a major key for that long (at least, I think that's what bugs me the most). The newer songs sound a bit less Versailles and a bit more generic. My favourite song is, by chance (???) a TERU song, of course - Flowery.
※ The other exciting album released recently that I'd like to buy is a Muppets cover album, featuring lots of nice famous artists. It was up for free for a time, but now you'll have to scout around for it. The Muppets Theme Song by Ok Go and The Rainbow Connection by Weezer and Hayley Willaims (of Paramour) are basically the reason you need to google it right this instant.
※ I've also caught on to The Wombats, who are absolutely fantastic, and I am very excited to have tickets to their concert in October (゚∀゚)
※ Finally, there is the mixed horror and pure glee of the Vrock Disney cover album.
Jrock artists singing Disney songs, WHAT'S NOT TO LIKE?
Most of it is.... that horrible trance-pop-on-speed Engrish monstrosity that they play in the Bodyline stores, some of it is old hat metal reinterpretations, but Plastic Tree's cover of Chim-chim-chiree is golden. Just what you'd expect from my favourite band (well, they tie with Versailles, of course). It's dark and slightly creepy, and beautiful.
And Nightmare's cover of Friend Like Me is golden for a very different reason...

♛ Fangirling over the DeviantArt galleries and Tumblrs of
Hamlet Machine (maker of the above Starfighter)
mmmira (whose tumbr is full of delicious and frequent goodness)
Chira-chira, of whom I am a long time fan, and who is a co-creator of the above Sfeer Theory and artist of Fox Sister.
gigidigi, the maker of the above mentioned Cucumber Quest

♛ I'm doing the JLPT level N2 in December. Not sure how I'll do, since I'm at the level below in reality, but that level is useless as a qualification, so...

♛ Generally hanging out on Twitter (f⌐ _⌐ );

♛ Watching
※ more Carebears and being blown away by the water-colour backgrounds. You can see the grain of the watercolour paper 9__9♥ (also My Little Pony, but, like Lady Lovelylocks, turns out it is a piece of crap)
※ Adventure Time, which has changed my life.... FOREVER. Oh my goodness. I don't even have words; just watch it.
※ Princess Tutu a completely amazing anime that I've tried to work out how to explain many times with little success.
It's.... about ballet. And a girl who is a duck. And meta stories. And fairytales.
If you liked Utena, you will like this - it's very obviously got some of the same people involved. If you didn't like Utena, you will probably still like this. The main character is pretty adorable (and with a really cute husky voice instead of those horrid squeaky things girls always get). And all the music is ballet music. All of it. Tchaikovsky makes for great action music, I can tell you.
※ re-watched The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (時をかける少女), one of my favourite movies ♥

♛ Writing. Gasp. Madness. Maybe I'll get a short story done by the end of the year, lolololol.
I want to submit to s2b2, but I'm not sure if it will keep within the requirements, by the time I've finished...

♛ Playing my first Dungeons and Dragons game.
It's pretty fun, but I am a total noob at it. Luckily, so is almost everyone else and we have a lovely expert and well-versed DM who are very nice to us and basically walk us through it all. By the time we've finished, I probably still won't really know how to play. And OMG battles do my head in I have no idea. Also, battles are, um, really slow in D&D land - probably because we all spend five minutes looking through our lists of Things You Can Do and whatnot.
My character, Gideon Corbitt, is fab, though.
He is...... like a more bar-brawley Malcom Reynolds, a slightly less competent Spike Spiegel, more sleazey Flynn Rider, and a more drunk Shoebox!Sirius....
I wanted a character that could Punch You In The Face.
I am gearing him up to learn drunken master fighting, which apparently IS A REAL FIGHTING STYLE. Jackie Chan knows it.

♛ I got a tumblr. But I'm not ever going to use it. I just wanted to camp the username, because I'm a shining beacon of humanity.

♛ Restarted lindy lessons! Yay~~~ I've started from the bottom again. Oh, swing dancing, I missed you so.

♛ Trying to figure out why Firefox has been crapping itself EVERY FIVE MINUTES for the past week or so. Oh ho ho, you think I'm exaggerating. I don't know. I think it's a flash problem, but I have no idea. It just freezes up for about thirty seconds or so... Every five minutes. It's a bitch to watch videos or do anything productive. Ideas?
It's driving me insane

♛ Also, I think I might be officially in the early stages of whatever this thing is that I call depression. Too many bad days, now. Too many assignments avoided. Too many times I've wanted to cry, or stay up for the sake of it. It's all very trivial stuff, but when you add it up, it forms a bigger picture...
I'm not sure if it will keep sliding downwards if I ignore it (as I kind of plan to do) or if it will dissipate once uni is over....
And yet it's still easier to admit that, than to admit that lonely Cake is lonely - that's far too much like defeat. But all I want to do is read romantic smooshy things, and hug forever (okay, I do always want to hug anyway). It's really hard to deal with because I am very jaded and cynnical about romantical shennanigans, and although I can't remember what any of that was ever like, somewhere deep inside, I still have this idea of sunshine that I can't squash.
I still hold that it's all impossible nonsense, though.

And those are The Happs.
Whew (´-`;)~3


I was taking some friends from Japan around, and we happened upon the most picturesque the Bell Tower has ever been, and the most complete rainbow all of us had ever seen.

And I think I finally have a name for The Fairy character in the comic I will eventually maybe draw.
So I drew a very quick sketch to celebrate~~
I used a ref, but I think it's still way off... and he looks short.

(Too much Princess Tutu...)

Okay, time for slepps.
Sweet dreams~~~☆

ε=ε=ε=ミ(ノ_ _)ノ

drawing, webcomics, photo, link, life, d&d, books, figments, deviant art, music, uni, depression, computer

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