
Nov 25, 2010 20:39

EDIT: I was distracted by Genji (which, considering it is a 1000 year old Japanese soap opera, is pretty darn distracting), and thus this post is now a day old. Not that you'll notice.

Good evening~♪

Today Cake is using livejournal as procrastination! Which is lucky for you~! (probably).

While avoiding homework, the fiery doom hellfires of re-enrolling at Curtin, fiddling with flights home, and writing my real paper diary, I am doing useful things too! Like abusing exclamation marks! And sorting through some more photos, which is exciting if you want visual representations of Cake's adventures. Especially if you want really out of date ones, which is what you are getting in this post.

Speaking of out-of-date, I am also doing a neat experiment in this post!
Today we are continuing, possibly for the FIRST TIME ON THE INTERNET, a meme that is ONE THOUSAND YEARS OLD.

Have you heard of 枕草子 Makura no Sōshi / The Pillow Book?
It was written roughly around 1000AD by Sei Shounagon, a literary lady who hung around one of the empresses of Japan in the Heian period.
It's very interesting! I read part of it last week for my Pre-Modern Japanese Prose in Translation class, my favourite class at uni here in Japan.

Anyway, I would say most of the text (that I read, which is about 1/5 of the book) is actually Sei Shounagon complaining about things she doesn't like, but somehow, even though it seems like old Japan's equivalent of someone having a rant on their blog, it is still kind of interesting to read. Her observations about everyday life are both intriguing and amusing. The really interesting things in the text are the "lists", which are sort of poetic lists of things under a theme, scattered throughout the text. For example

Elegant Things
A white coat worn over a violet waistcoat.
Duck eggs.
Shaved ice mixed with liana syrup and put in a new silver
A rosary of rock crystal.
Wistaria blossoms. Plum blossoms covered with snow.
A pretty child eating strawberries.

(Translation adapted from Ivan Morris)

Poetry is not Cake's strong point, but I really want do this as an intarwabs meme! So each post from now on, I will include a portion of the
☆ Makura no Soshi meme ☆

In no particular order

Annoying things
Awkward things
Splendid things
Squalid things
Depressing things
Hateful things
Elegant things
Rare things
Embarrassing things
Adorable things
Surprising and distressing things
Things that cannot be compared
Things that give a pathetic impression
Things that make the heart beat faster
Things that gain by being depicted in a painting
Things that lose by being depicted in a painting
Things that give a clean feeling
Things that give an unclean feeling
Things that are distant though near
Things that are near though distant
Things that should be large
Things that should be short
Things that arouse a fond memory of the past
Things that give a hot feeling
Things that have lost their power
Things that are unpleasant to see

Spread it around the intarwabs, my pretties! A meme from 1000 years ago in Japan! Isn't this exciting? It's pretty exciting.

Other exciting things in Cake's life...

♔ On Tuesday I went to Wakayama Castle for the first time (yes, been living here two months, still hadn't seen it >___<;;) - there was a small festival on for the public holiday. I also ran into a friend and her mother by chance, so it was nice to visit the actual castle with someone :) Wakayama-jo (jo=castle) is very tall. You can see the whole city and all the way to the ocean. You can see my uni in the mountains and the bridge I ride across every day... Looking at it all, I couldn't believe I actually ride that far - pretty amazing. The inside of the castle is a small museum featuring armour, maps, roof tiles, etc.
♔ Tomorrow I will go to Wakayama museum!
♔On Saturday I am participating in a small party/concert thing for an English language school for children. I have to learn an ABBA song.
♔ On Sunday I am going to Kyoto! To see Arashiyama.
♔ On Monday I wanted to go to Osaka to visit the science museum, but it is closed on Mondays. This makes Cake Very Sad. But there is always Kaiyukan, the aquarium....!
♔ My small, decorative lettuce plant is still alive after two days. Hurruh! It is still without a name...
♔ I am apparently having a casual English converstaion lesson with a family once a week. Tonight is the first night. I am being paid in dinners. <-- update: they are very nice and have a cute three-year-old! Who is obsessed with Anpanman~!
♔ Also, in case you were wondering (I'm sure you weren't, but this is a journal after all), since I found out that the person I like has been in a relationship for two years (!) the fires of my passions have cooled. If by fires, you mean warmish freshly baked cake sort of feelings. There are many cute boys in Japan and Wakayama; if I can ever be bothered to attach myself to anyone again (not so likely), they had better watch out! (*^艸^*)

And now, some of the aforementioned adventures of Cake in photographic form!

Another zoomed in photo taken from the bridge I ride across every day. This scene never fails to make me happy. It is a feeling of もののあわれ.

My bridge~☆ It spans the Kinokawa river.

Night time! Lights! The area I park my bike, at the base of the mountain - which has no name by the way. Or rather, I asked the IER staff about it, and they had no idea. They had never even thought about it before. So I call it "Wadaiyama".

The area outside my (education) building at uni. To the left is the building. This... is actually the toilet block! >___<;;; But it has a tiny windmill!

Takoyaki party at Kaikan:

This is how takoyaki starts off...

Almost done...


I will supplement these visual aids with diary entries next time...

Finally, fellow Curtin-ites!
Actually... wow, there are none of you here now (out of the five people who read this blog -__-;;;). You're all graduating.
( ゚Д゚)( ゚Д゚)( ゚Д゚)
I wanted to foster discussion about Curtin's new "pay as you go" parking scheme.

I read the email, and was pleasantly surprised by the price ($0.75/hr) and also apparently Curtin has been financially contributing to public transport, resulting in new services (that I don't use, but hey). Also, 1000 new bays. This is late, but good.
So I was thinking maybe FOR ONCE, ONE TIME EVER, Curtin isn't totally failing, and might be doing something good. What say ye? I am still undecided.
Here is maths:

The proposed fee structure is as follows:

* ‘Pay-as-you-go' hourly parking: 75 cents per hour, capped at $3.50 per day (2050 bays)
* Long term parking: capped at $2 per day (1200 bays).

The University will provide free parking in non-peak periods such as exams, the break between semesters, after 5pm every day and weekends.

What was the permit last? Like $150 for a semester?

Let's say one was at uni four hours a day, five days a week
(that, by the way is 20 contact hours. There aren't many courses with 20 friggin contact hours. On the other hand, some of those hours could be breaks between classes...).
There are 13 weeks in Semester 1, 2011. We discount one because it's the break and you won't be going to uni. (also discounting study week / exam week, as stipulated above).

$0.75 x 4 = $3.00
x5 = $15
x12 = $180

Not so dissimilar.
At the maximum cap, ($3.50 x 5 x 12) that's $210 which is a definite and horrible jump.
But if you snag a long term bay every day instead ($2 x 5 x12 ) that's $120, which is cheaper than the permit.

As someone who had two hours of class for four days a week, I think this works out cheaper for me. But it also means I can't just hang around (in the Queer Room).

So it's not that dissimilar. Also, I was *not* at uni for four hours a day, five days a week. I was at uni for two hours a day, four days a week, so it's considerably cheaper for someone like me. If you study at uni rather than home, then you are screwed.

There are pros, cons, winners, losers.
Discussion time!

☆ Makura no Soshi meme ☆

Annoying Things
A small bug caught in one's lipgloss (or eyelashes. or just plastered to my face. Honestly, how is this species of midge-thing still alive?)
The new MSN/WindowsLive
Drivers who can't merge properly
The way Japanese people ride bicycles two or three abreast, especially on a path that permits only enough room for one-abreast going in each direction
The sound of a mosquito in one's ear
Ignorant people
People below the age of twenty
Repetitive people
Bad grammar
The way soap washes the colour out of Converse shoes, but Converse still sells those shoes at exorbitant prices just because they can. Like diamonds.
ε=┏( ・_・)┛

curtin, wakayama, cakeinjapan2010, uni, meme, photo, makura no soshi

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