So Long and Thanks for all the Fish~☆

Jul 21, 2010 21:04

Dear lj, you are invited to a tea party!

Even if I don't know you that well, I would absolutely love to see you :)

(of course I'm happy to see you all before September, too).

x-posted to facebook:
(if you know me on lj and not fb, I'm listed under Karlee Cake)

Cake is going to Japan!
For five months!

It's possible you feel the burning desire to see her the weekend before the weekend before she leaves.

If that is indeed the case, you can drop by my house any from 11am onwards. We will Tea Party it up with the best of them. Socks may or may not be rocked.
Around dinner time if there is anyone still hanging out (which is what I plan to do all day, basically) we might go out for dinner or some such.

I might hold a grudge against you if you don't RSVP, but the idea is that it's kind of a casual people dropping in when they are free and catching up.

I'm not baking cake for anyone that doesn't RSVP, though (deadly serious).
You are not allowed in the house without a hug (also deadly serious).

I look forward to seeing you there~☆
Feel free to inform/invite other people with whom I am acquainted :)
(I don't have everyone's contact details)
~pm/sms me for the address/questions/etc~

☆I leave Perth on September 21st, and return on February 21st.
☆I will be studying at a Japanese uni in Wakayama.
☆Um, you guys know that Cake is Karlee, right?).

exchange, japan, japan2010, tea party

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