You will never guess what happened today.
About two years ago (?) I lost my car keys. It was pretty amazing because if you lose your car keys, well, they have to be in your house somewhere, don't they. You can't have left them anywhere else. I searched high and low for them, looked behind drawers, checked pockets, moved furniture, but in the end I had to accept that they (and the lovely Nightmare Before Christmas keyring they were on) were gone, Never To Be Found Again, and I got a new key cut.
Today, despite Cake's eternal/week-long exhaustion and death, I went for a rollerblade - the first one in, like, two years. I was worried I would be even worse than I ever was (which was pretty bad) - I still don't know how to stop and get nervous blading over cracks in the footpath. But Cake decided to journey out to the city nevertheless, since the weather was deliciously overcast. So GUESS WHAT I FOUND IN MY ROLLERBLADING BAG?
I was literally speechless and in shock for about a minute before I uttered
Anyway, the journey was not too bad at all, no one fell over and smashed their head like an egg on the pavement (which is what I am always afraid of. Always).
And so, onwards! To the Intarwabs!
Click to view
A short animated documentary on unicorns, which I stole from
finding_jay. It is amazing. And, er, educational.
Click to view
And THIS is why I <3 molluscs.
Octopuses are just the most amazing creatures ever. I wish I could have one as a pet.
Click to view
Strange perpetual fourth wall video things.
9 inventions that prove Leondardo da Vinci was a supervillian - mildly amusing.
Lucy Stone wiki - a feminist who did a whole bunch of stuff in, um... the early 1900's? Makes me infinitely grateful I live in the here and now, but also makes me feel lazy. Interesting to read about, since her perspective is just so different from women today. Also reminds me of a friend who gets headaches?
how to hide an aeroplane factory lmao, I can't believe this worked.
Opinion and issues
A thoughtful piece on pedophilia by Dan Savage, from his Savage Love column.
Stolen shamelessly from
goldfoilI have thought about this issue before and pretty much come to similar conclusions.
I think it's important to have at least an awareness, as these sorts of complex issues of self, equity, morals, and what is socially acceptable will only become more numerous, or at least more prominent, as time goes on. Compare it to how you or other people think about homosexuality (this is how I first started thinking about the issue). Difficult, ne?
And this, while we're at it
(also stolen from
The most important thing you need to remember about rape and sexual assualt - the victim is never to blame.
There is no "she totally was asking for it" or "she should have known better". There is only "she was unfortunate to happen to be in the presence of a man who made the decision to rape her". One person can't be blamed for the intentions and motives of another - and base instincts and desires can't be either. Men are people (give them some credit here, dudes), and that means they think and they act. There is no such things as not being able to help oneself, there is no such thing as accidental rape. Inexcusable actions are inexcusable.
Pope says that equality laws in UK are unjustA clash between religion and state, once again. retweetedStolen from
Josh Thomas (wow, he's gay? There goes that minor crush... but I could never tell if he actually just annoyed me? ♥ lanky geeky boys >___<).
How evil does the Pope look in that picture?? XD
Regarding the actual article (pope speaks against new UK laws to ban church groups like adoption agencies or employment from discriminating against homosexuals/trans ppl etc)...
I don't know.
I mean, if I expect that the church can't interfere with the state, maybe it's a two way street and the state shouldn't interfere with the church. It's their (stupid) belief and if they want to implement that then maybe that's their right. No one's forcing you to be part of the religion - if you picked it, then you know what you're getting into one way or another. There are plenty of catholic/christian sub-groups (eg youth churchy thingos) that are tolerant, right? I have no idea -___-;;
The problem is if the church actually still has a really large stranglehold part in society. Then the government has to step in, because maybe the church is affecting a huge load of people that don't have any other options.
It's kind of like... I strongly believe that the government should allow legal same-sex marriages - everyone has the right to have their relationship recognised in an official way, and to gain the same benefits legally. But I don't expect the church to have to allow same-sex marriage, since that's actually a sacrement that is part of a belief system that has certain values and rules and what-have-you. Whether or not those values etc are completely stupid or not is kind of beside the point, since, as a system of belief, they are allowed to have whatever beliefs fit in with their system (as long as they aren't hurting anyone or inflicting them on anyone else).
Finally, on a lighter note,
Callie Eats Feathers a (very) short comic by Yuko and Ananth of
Johnny Wander fame (and also
Applegeeks). It's pretty amazing - I love Yuko's art style =) Her more lighthearted stuff is even better, in my opinion.
Also, I was playing in photoshop, trying to cheat and simulate a vintage style or lomographic style photo. So here is Cake when she went out to Sin the other weekend.
Sweet dreams, minions.
Cake is dying now and beaching tomorrow =D
P.S. quick question
Has anyone seen There Will Be Blood? Could anyone follow it?
I stopped watching about half-way through, this evening. Got up to the kid with acoustic shock and a tumble and just went WTF is going on?
This is rare for me.
Anyone seen it? Opinions?