hey howdy hey, minions.
You may have noticed: I am no longer "kowaichitai", but 8cake! (I am kind f hoping people will start referring to me as "cake".... Which is strange....)
After many years, I finally changed my online alias (although photobucket is still the same, and ff.net is still kanetsuki) - this also applies to my deviantart (8cake) and my email (viiicake at g m a i l dot c o m) and my msn account, which now uses my gmail address.
The change was effective as of yesterday, the first day of uni2009 and the first day of the rest of my life? (I was going to implement it last year when I turned 21, but I hadn't thoguht of a name back then).
My eljay layout ACTUALLY is supposed to be roughly the same as my old one, but modified such that I have a header, amongst other things - it is based on
this page.
UNFORTUNATELY, the custom CSS I modified from
fruitstyle didn't... work. For some reason, my CSS never does. Even when I was doing webdesign at uni...
So: if anyone with CSS experience can help me figure out what's wrong with the layout CSS code (in which I'm pretty sure I only changed colours, fonts/sized and borders) PLEASE HELP thank you =)
/* S2 FLEXIBLE SQUARES --- Embroid ---
Wingweaver22 @ Fruitstyle.livejournal.com
Do not remove this note. */
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In the meantime, we are dealing with pink and yellow, the standard colour of cakes =)
(since I can't be bothered trying to restore my original layout, that would take even MORE hours than modifying the new layout that failed).
Also, I went through ALL (ALL) of my old lj entries and tagged them and FO'd the really emo ones. The tags are limited and I missed a few here and there, but at least now if you want to find all the Deviant Artists I've linked, you can, via tags. From this point on, I will be tagging more liberally (although maybe not as liberally as
narcolepticnemu oh yes, the subject for this post is part of the lyrics in Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog
Other (more interesting?) things:
-uni seems pretty good so far. Hopefully it will continue this way. Japanese is eerily similar to TAFE, they even had the SAME transitive/intransitive verb example about cooling beer down. Also, the text-books look almost plagiarised.
-I read Nation by Terry Pratchett. It is awesome. For the first... two thirds... it is very quiet and subtle.
How is an island with a SCIENCE-UTOPIA and probably Swiss-family-robinson inspired treehouses NOT the BEST THING EVER????
Coming second only to a scenario where ninjas and pirates get to battle each other riding giant dinosaurs and robots, during a zombie attack, and afterwards they all stop for cake.
-I have been acquiring all of Nightmare (ナイトメア), because I really should have done that a long time ago, and I want to drool over the band members without feeling guilty about not having heard any of their music.
I think it will grow on me, unfortunately for Nightmare, I have become enamoured with Plastic Tree (they grew on me, lol). They are very addictive.
-There is an AWESOME exhibit at the Curtin art gallery (i.e. at Curtin uni) - it's a circle made of speakers, where each speaker is a different member of a CHOIR, singing a glorious 16th century song. It goes for 11 mintues (plus 3 mins intermission) It is absolutely amazing (also, listen to the individual speakers during intermission to eavesdrop on conversations). Thanks to
marxipan_xlii for taking me :)
-I am STILL unemployed, GRRRR. I mean, what? I am an awesome person and a fantastic employee. In interviews, not only do I give all the right answers, I mean them, too. What is up with people not hiring me? (it's not the blue hair - I mention that and offer to dye it normal, Which is a lie but I REALLY don't want to)
That's about it.