Jun 20, 2007 14:06
So I'm stuck. Heres my situation of stuck-ness...or stuck-ocity. I am broke. I am broke, and bored. I am bored, because I am broke. I feel guilty even going to rent a movie, because thats money that I already dont have. I sit in my room all day, for the past week, doing absolutely nothing. I watch Lost. I surf the web. I watch "What I like about You" every day. at 3pm. It's absurd. I have a routine, but I dont have a job, or an income. Whats worse, is I feel like I cant get a job. this lull that I'm experiencing in the entertainment industry has come at a time, and just long enough to make me sweat my finances and worry that I'm going to die/starve/explode and fall into outerspace. Normally, I would say, I'm going to go get a job at Panavision, or Clairmont, or some other rental house, so that I can stay connected with the industry whilst still having a steady income. Fuck, I'd even work at Starbucks at this point. Im just bored and need money. Heres the catch. I cant get a job at starbucks or wherever because I have 2 features coming up in a month.
Good?! yes and no. yes, because they are 2 features that will give me good experience and something to put on my resume. No? because Im getting paid worse than i would if I worked at mcdonalds. Im just hoping that it will pay off with experience/contacts, and in the end hopefully it will do well and I'll get a fat check in the mail. wishful thinking.
so what do i do until July 9th? i have no fucking idea. sit around and try to find some shorts to work on. labor ready? i dont even know. thats where im lacking in ideas.